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Soil Science
If a manure pile is exposed to the rain, what nutrient will be lost the most ?
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‘A’ horizon of the soil is also designated:
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Accumulation of Al and Fe oxides and clays coming from the upper profile layers:
A group of soils with same parent material but located at different positions of slope?
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__________ of alluvium (stratified sediment) by earth-worms is the most important soil-forming process in the alluvial plain of Pakistan:
The immobilization and accumulation of the eluviated constituents at some depth beneath the soil surface:________?
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The movement of water through a column of soil is called:__________?
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If a manure pile is exposed to the rain, what nutrient will be lost the most ?
A. Ca
B. Mg
C. S
D. N
Submitted by:
Shafiq Rehman
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
October 14, 2020