
Airport Engineering MCQs

Option A: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

Option B: Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A

Option C: A is true but R is false.

Option D: A is false but R is true

Correct Answer: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

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Option A: 1 and 2 are correct

Option B: 2 and 3 are correct

Option C: 1 and 3 are correct

Option D: 1,2 and 3 are correct

Correct Answer: 1 and 2 are correct

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Option A: 150 m

Option B: 300 m

Option C: 600 m

Option D: 750 m

Correct Answer: 300 m

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Option A: 1500 m and 600 m

Option B: 2100 m and 750 m

Option C: 1500 m and 750 m

Option D: 2100 m and 600 m

Correct Answer: 2100 m and 600 m

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Option A: 450 kmph and 500 kmph

Option B: 500 kmph and 450 kmph

Option C: 450 kmph and 450 kmph

Option D: 500 kmph and 500 kmph

Correct Answer: 450 kmph and 500 kmph

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Option A: 4.8 kmph

Option B: 6.4 kmph

Option C: 8.0 kmph

Option D: 9.6 kmph

Correct Answer: 6.4 kmph

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Option A: Yellow

Option B: White

Option C: Black

Option D: Red

Correct Answer: White

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Option A: 3 m and 30 m

Option B: 4.2 m and 30 m

Option C: 4.2 m and 50 m

Option D: 3 m and 45 m

Correct Answer: 4.2 m and 30 m

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Option A: 1:2

Option B: 1:5

Option C: 1:8

Option D: 1:40

Correct Answer: 1:8

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Option A: 22.5 m x 22.5 m

Option B: 30 m x 30 m

Option C: 22.5 m x 30 m

Option D: 60 mx 120 m

Correct Answer: 60 mx 120 m

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Option A: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

Option B: Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

Option C: A is true but R is false

Option D: A is false but R is true

Correct Answer: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

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Option A: 60 m

Option B: 120 m

Option C: 180 m

Option D: 240 m

Correct Answer: 180 m

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Option A: Alligator cracking

Option B: Mud pumping

Option C: Warping cracks

Option D: Shrinkage cracks

Correct Answer: Alligator cracking

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Option A: Apron

Option B: Hanger

Option C: Terminal building

Option D: holding apron

Correct Answer: Hanger

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Option A: equal to the maximum structural landing weight

Option B: less than the maximum structural landing weight

Option C: more than the maximum structural landing weight

Option D: equal to the empty operating weight plus the payload

Correct Answer: more than the maximum structural landing weight

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Option A: formed by the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the direction of movement of the nose gear

Option B: between the direction of wind and the longitudinal axis of the runway

Option C: between the true speed of the aircraft and the crosswind component

Option D: between the horizontal and the fuselage axis

Correct Answer: formed by the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the direction of movement of the nose gear

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Option A: 1 and 2 are correct

Option B: 2 and 3 are correct

Option C: 1 and 3 are correct

Option D: 1 alone is correct

Correct Answer: 1 alone is correct

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Option A: 32

Option B: 36

Option C: 44

Option D: 68

Correct Answer: 36

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Option A: 2845 m

Option B: 2910 m

Option C: 3030 m

Option D: 3130 m

Correct Answer: 3030 m

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Option A: 1,2,3 and 4

Option B: 1,3, and 4

Option C: 2 and 3

Option D: 1,2 and 4

Correct Answer: 1,2 and 4

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Option A: aircraft rear loading door is far away from terminal building.

Option B: hot blast is directed towards the terminal building

Option C: overall apron area required is more

Option D: all the above

Correct Answer: hot blast is directed towards the terminal building

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Option A: 20 m

Option B: 30 m

Option C: 45 m

Option D: 51 m

Correct Answer: 30 m

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Option A: 1:5

Option B: 1:7

Option C: 1:10

Option D: 1:12

Correct Answer: 1:7

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Option A: Zero

Option B: 300

Option C: 3000

Option D: Unrestricted

Correct Answer: 300

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Option A: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

Option B: Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

Option C: A is true but R is false

Option D: A is false but R is true

Correct Answer: A is true but R is false

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Option A: 2.5 m

Option B: 5.0 m

Option C: 7.5 m

Option D: 10.0 m

Correct Answer: 7.5 m

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Option A: along the extended centre line of runway end

Option B: about 1 km. ahead of the runway threshold

Option C: at the runway threshold

Option D: about 7 km. ahead of the runway threshold

Correct Answer: about 1 km. ahead of the runway threshold

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Option A: 3 m from runway end

Option B: 6 m from runway end

Option C: 10 m from runway end

Option D: 15m from runway end

Correct Answer: 6 m from runway end

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Option A: 40 %

Option B: 50%

Option C: 60%

Option D: 75%

Correct Answer: 60%

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Option A: 15 kmph

Option B: 25 kmph

Option C: 35 kmph

Option D: 45 kmph

Correct Answer: 35 kmph

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Option A: equal to empty operating weight

Option B: equal to maximum landing weight

Option C: less than empty operating weight

Option D: equal to sum of empty operating weight and the maximum pay load

Correct Answer: equal to sum of empty operating weight and the maximum pay load

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Option A: 2500 m

Option B: 2600 m

Option C: 2700 m

Option D: 2800 m

Correct Answer: 2700 m

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Option A: 1.0, 1.5 and 1.5

Option B: 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0

Option C: 1.5, 1.5 and 2.0

Option D: 2.0, 2.0 and 2.0

Correct Answer: 1.0, 1.5 and 1.5

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Option A: weather conditions and navigational aids available

Option B: lateral spacing between two runways and weather conditions

Option C: lateral spacing between two runways and navigational aids available

Option D: lateral spacing between two runways, weather conditions and navigational aids available

Correct Answer: weather conditions and navigational aids available

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Option A: 0.10%

Option B: 0.26%

Option C: 0.43 %

Option D: 0.65%

Correct Answer: 0.26%

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Option A: 50 m

Option B: 100 m

Option C: 150 m

Option D: 250 m

Correct Answer: 50 m

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Option A: 78 m

Option B: 150 m

Option C: 300 m

Option D: 450 m

Correct Answer: 300 m

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Option A: 0.1 %

Option B: 0.2%

Option C: 0.3 %

Option D: 0.4%

Correct Answer: 0.1 %

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Option A: 32°C

Option B: 35.5°C

Option C: 48°C

Option D: 25°C

Correct Answer: 48°C

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Option A: only clearway

Option B: only stop way ,

Option C: either a clearway or a stopway

Option D: either a clearway or a stopway or both

Correct Answer: either a clearway or a stopway

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Option A: 1 aircraft per hour

Option B: 2 aircrafts per hour

Option C: 4 aircrafts per hour

Option D: 16 aircrafts per hour

Correct Answer: 4 aircrafts per hour

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