
Design Of Concrete Structures MCQs

Option A: Elastic modulus of high tensile steel is nearly the same as that of mild steel

Option B: Elastic modulus of high tensile steel is more than that of mild steel

Option C: Carbon percentage in high carbon steel is less than that in mild steel

Option D: High tensile steel is cheaper than mild steel

Correct Answer: Elastic modulus of high tensile steel is nearly the same as that of mild steel

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Option A: The loss of prestress is more in pre-tensioning system than in post-tensioning system.

Option B: Pretensioning system has greater certainty about its durability.

Option C: For heavy loads and large spans in buildings or bridges, post-tensioning system is cheaper than pretensioning system

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: (1) and (3)

Option B: (1) and (4)

Option C: (2) and (3)

Option D: (2) and (4)

Correct Answer: 1. shear force at mid span is zero

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Option A: (1) and (3)

Option B: (1) and(4)

Option C: (2 )and (3)

Option D: (2) and (4)

Correct Answer: 1. reduces the negative moment at support

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Option A: (1) and (2)

Option B: (2)and (3)

Option C: only (3)

Option D: All (1), (2)and (3)

Correct Answer: 1. humidity of atmosphere

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Option A: only (1)

Option B: (1) and (2)

Option C: (1) and (3)

Option D: (1), (2) and (3)

Correct Answer: 1. maximum bending moment

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Option A: only (1)

Option B: only (2)

Option C: both (1) and (4)

Option D: both (2)and (3)

Correct Answer: 1. bottom face near counterfort

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Option A: (1) and (ii),

Option B: (2) and (3)

Option C: (1) and (4)

Option D: (3) and (4)

Correct Answer: 1. bottom face in front counterfort

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Option A: only (2) is correct

Option B: (1) and (2)are correct

Option C: (3) and (4) are correct

Option D: only (4) is correct

Correct Answer: 1. top face parallel to the wall

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Option A: (1) and (ii)

Option B: (1) and(4)

Option C: (2) and (3)

Option D: (3) and (4)

Correct Answer: 1. the vertical slab is designed as a continuous slab

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Option A: (1) and (3)

Option B: (1) and(4)

Option C: (2) and (3)

Option D: (2) and (4)

Correct Answer: 1. Factor of safety for steel should be based on its yield stress,

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Option A: (1) and (3)

Option B: (1)and(4)

Option C: (2)and (3)

Option D: (2)and (4)

Correct Answer: 1. to increase shrinkage

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Option A: Lean mixes bleed more as compared to rich ones

Option B: Bleeding can be minimized by adding pozzuolana finer aggregate

Option C: Bleeding can be increased by addition ‘of calcium chloride

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: Elastic modulus of high tensile steel is nearly the same as that of mild steel

Option B: Elastic modulus of high tensile steel is more than that of mild steel

Option C: Carbon percentage in high carbon steel is less than that in mild steel

Option D: High tensile steel is cheaper than mild steel

Correct Answer: Elastic modulus of high tensile steel is nearly the same as that of mild steel

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Option A: the front face in one direction

Option B: the front face in both directions

Option C: the inner face in one direction

Option D: the inner face in both directions

Correct Answer: the inner face in one direction

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Option A: 18

Option B: 30

Option C: 40

Option D: 58

Correct Answer: 40

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Option A: to decrease it

Option B: to increase it

Option C: either to decrease or to increase it

Option D: to keep it unchanged

Correct Answer: to increase it

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Option A: compressive and tensile

Option B: tensile and compressive

Option C: both compressive

Option D: both tensile

Correct Answer: tensile and compressive

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Option A: zero

Option B: tensile

Option C: compressive

Option D: tensile or compressive

Correct Answer: compressive

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Option A: wR / 4d

Option B: wR/2d

Option C: wR/d

Option D: 2wR/d

Correct Answer: wR/2d

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Option A: to provide adequate bond stress

Option B: to resist tensile stresses

Option C: to impart initial compressive stress in concrete

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: to impart initial compressive stress in concrete

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Option A: Long line method

Option B: Freyssinet system

Option C: Magnel-Blaton system

Option D: Lee-Macall system

Correct Answer: Long line method

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Option A: only in post-tensioned beams

Option B: only in pretensioned beams

Option C: in both post-tensioned and preten-sioned beams

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: only in post-tensioned beams

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Option A: decrease in tensile strength but increase in ductility

Option B: increase in tensile strength but decrease in ductility

Option C: decrease in both tensile strength and ductility

Option D: increase in both tensile strength and ductility

Correct Answer: increase in tensile strength but decrease in ductility

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Option A: increases with increase in diameter of bar

Option B: decreases with increase in diameter of bar

Option C: does not depend on diameter of bar

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: decreases with increase in diameter of bar

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Option A: 35 MPa and 42 MPa

Option B: 42 MPa and 35 MPa

Option C: 42 MPa and 53 MPa

Option D: 53 MPa and 42 MPa

Correct Answer: 42 MPa and 35 MPa

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Option A: has a definite yield point

Option B: does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 0.1% proof stress

Option C: does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 0.2% proof stress

Option D: does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 2% proof stress

Correct Answer: does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 0.2% proof stress

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Option A: plain hot rolled wires

Option B: cold drawn wires

Option C: heat treated rolled wires

Option D: all have same tensile strength

Correct Answer: cold drawn wires

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Option A: elastic shortening of concrete

Option B: shrinkage of concrete

Option C: creep of concrete

Option D: loss due to friction

Correct Answer: elastic shortening of concrete

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Option A: upper part of the beam

Option B: lower part of the beam

Option C: center

Option D: anywhere

Correct Answer: lower part of the beam

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Option A: forces of tension and compression change but lever arm remains unchanged

Option B: forces of tension and compressions remain unchanged but lever arm changes with the moment

Option C: both forces of tension and compres-sion as well as lever arm change

Option D: both forces of tension and compres-sion as well as lever arm remain unchanged

Correct Answer: forces of tension and compressions remain unchanged but lever arm changes with the moment

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Option A: compressive everywhere

Option B: tensile everywhere

Option C: partly compressive and partly tensile

Option D: zero

Correct Answer: tensile everywhere

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Option A: bending moment and shear

Option B: bending moment and torsion

Option C: shear and torsion

Option D: bending moment, shear and torsion

Correct Answer: shear and torsion

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Option A: deflect downward

Option B: deflect upward

Option C: deflect downward or upward

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: deflect downward

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Option A: ^acybd2

Option B: ^acybd2

Option C: 0.185acybd2

Option D: 0.43acybd2

Correct Answer: ^acybd2

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Option A: 0.43 d

Option B: 0.537 d

Option C: 0.68 d

Option D: 0.85 d

Correct Answer: 0.537 d

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Option A: 0.37 fy

Option B: 0.57 fy

Option C: 0.67 fy

Option D: 0.87 fy

Correct Answer: 0.87 fy

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Option A: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Option B: Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Option C: A is true but R is false.

Option D: A is false but R is true.

Correct Answer: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

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Option A: 0.03%

Option B: 0.1%

Option C: 0.3%

Option D: 3%

Correct Answer: 0.3%

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Option A: 1.5 and 2.2

Option B: 2.2 and 1.5

Option C: 1.5 and 1.5

Option D: 2.2 and 2.2

Correct Answer: 2.2 and 1.5

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Option A: 0.367 xu

Option B: 0.416 xu

Option C: 0.446 xu

Option D: 0.573 xu

Correct Answer: 0.416 xu

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Option A: 0.43 d

Option B: 0.55 d

Option C: 0.68 d

Option D: 0.85 d

Correct Answer: 0.43 d

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Option A: 0.207 /

Option B: 0.293 /

Option C: 0.7071

Option D: 0.793 /

Correct Answer: 0.7071

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Option A: there will be no settlement of columns

Option B: there will be no differential settlement

Option C: the settlement of exterior columns will be more than interior columns

Option D: the settlement of interior columns will be more than exterior columns

Correct Answer: the settlement of exterior columns will be more than interior columns

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Option A: at the middle of the wall

Option B: at the edge of the wall

Option C: halfway between the middle and edge of the wall

Option D: at a distance equal to effective depth of footing from the edge of the wall

Correct Answer: halfway between the middle and edge of the wall

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Option A: both ends hinged

Option B: both ends fixed

Option C: one end fixed and other end hinged

Option D: one end fixed and other end free

Correct Answer: one end fixed and other end hinged

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Option A: 0.207 1

Option B: 0.25 /

Option C: 0.293 /

Option D: 0.333 /

Correct Answer: 0.207 1

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Option A: dead load only

Option B: dead load + live load

Option C: dead load + fraction of live load

Option D: live load + fraction of dead load

Correct Answer: dead load + fraction of live load

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Option A: one cantilever

Option B: two cantilevers

Option C: three cantilevers

Option D: four cantilevers

Correct Answer: three cantilevers

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Option A: front face only

Option B: inner face only

Option C: both front face and inner face

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: front face only

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Option A: not provided

Option B: provided only on inner face

Option C: provided only on front face

Option D: provided both on inner and front faces

Correct Answer: provided only on inner face

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Option A: top face perpendicular to wall

Option B: bottom face perpendicular to wall

Option C: both top and bottom faces perpendicular to wall

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: top face perpendicular to wall

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Option A: wholly parabolic

Option B: wholly rectangular

Option C: parabolic above neutral axis and rectangular below neutral axis

Option D: rectangular above neutral axis and parabolic below neutral axis

Correct Answer: parabolic above neutral axis and rectangular below neutral axis

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Option A: xv

Option B: xc

Option C: xv – TC

Option D: Tv + Tc

Correct Answer: xv

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Option A: depends on as, only

Option B: depends on aCbC only

Option C: depends on both crst and acbc

Option D: is independant of both ast and acbc where d is the effective depth, ast is per-missible stress in steel in tension and ocbc is permissible stress in concrete in bend¬ing compression

Correct Answer: depends on as, only

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Option A: 20 kN/cm2

Option B: 200 kN/cm2

Option C: 200kN/mm2

Option D: 2xl06N/cm2

Correct Answer: 200kN/mm2

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Option A: is always less than 1

Option B: is always greater than 1

Option C: can be more than 1

Option D: can be less than 1

Correct Answer: is always less than 1

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Option A: not needed

Option B: provided equally on inner and front faces

Option C: provided more on inner face than on front face

Option D: provided more on front face than on inner face

Correct Answer: provided more on front face than on inner face

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Option A: L-shaped wall

Option B: T-shaped wall

Option C: counterfort type

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: counterfort type

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Option A: capacity of column is decreased

Option B: ductility of column reduces

Option C: capacity of column is decreased but ductility of column increases

Option D: both the capacity of column and ductility of column increase

Correct Answer: both the capacity of column and ductility of column increase

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Option A: 5% less

Option B: 10% less

Option C: 5% more

Option D: 10% more

Correct Answer: 5% more

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Option A: 1.5

Option B: 2.0

Option C: 2.5

Option D: 3.0

Correct Answer: 2.0

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Option A: 6 mm

Option B: 8 mm

Option C: 12 mm

Option D: 16 mm

Correct Answer: 12 mm

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Option A: more than or equal to one fourth of diameter of main bar

Option B: more than or equal to 5 mm

Option C: more than 5 mm but less than one-fourth of diameter of main bar

Option D: more than 5 mm and also more than one-fourth of diameter of main bar

Correct Answer: more than 5 mm and also more than one-fourth of diameter of main bar

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Option A: 2

Option B: 4

Option C: 6

Option D: 8

Correct Answer: 4

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Option A: 15 mm

Option B: 20 mm

Option C: 25 mm

Option D: 50mm

Correct Answer: 25 mm

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Option A: 0.15% to 2%

Option B: 0.8% to 4%

Option C: 0.8% to 6%

Option D: 0.8% to 8%

Correct Answer: 0.8% to 6%

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Option A: compressive stress

Option B: shear stress

Option C: bond stress

Option D: tensile stress

Correct Answer: bond stress

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Option A: increasing the depth

Option B: providing shear reinforcement

Option C: using high strength steel

Option D: using thinner bars but more in number

Correct Answer: increasing the depth

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Option A: about 0.1 N/mm2

Option B: zero

Option C: 0.3 N/mm2 to 0.7 N/mm2

Option D: about 1.0 N/mm2

Correct Answer: about 0.1 N/mm2

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Option A: 3.0 m and 1.5 m

Option B: 1.5 m and 3.0 m

Option C: 3.0 m and 3.0 m

Option D: 1.5 m and 1.5 m

Correct Answer: 3.0 m and 3.0 m

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Option A: 1/3

Option B: 1/5

Option C: 1/7

Option D: 1/10

Correct Answer: 1/7

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Option A: 10%

Option B: 20%

Option C: 30%

Option D: 40%

Correct Answer: 40%

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Option A: less than 1

Option B: between 1 and 1.5

Option C: between 1.5 and 2.0

Option D: greater than 2

Correct Answer: less than 1

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Option A: higher compressive strength of con-crete

Option B: lower compressive strength of concrete

Option C: higher tensile strength of steel

Option D: lower tensile strength of steel

Correct Answer: lower compressive strength of concrete

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Option A: 20 m

Option B: 30 m

Option C: 45 m

Option D: 60 m

Correct Answer: 45 m

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Option A: increased by 10% for bars in compression

Option B: increased by 25% for bars in compression

Option C: decreased by 10% for bars in compression

Option D: decreased by 25% for bars in compression

Correct Answer: increased by 25% for bars in compression

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Option A: effective depth of slab from periphery of column/drop panel

Option B: d/2 from periphery of column/capital/ drop panel

Option C: at the drop panel of slab

Option D: at the periphery of column

Correct Answer: d/2 from periphery of column/capital/ drop panel

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Option A: 0

Option B: 10

Option C: 20

Option D: 30

Correct Answer: 0

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Option A: less than 1

Option B: between 1 and 1.5

Option C: between 1.5 and 2

Option D: greater than 2

Correct Answer: greater than 2

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Option A: 100 mm

Option B: 150 mm

Option C: 200 mm

Option D: 250 mm

Correct Answer: 150 mm

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Option A: 50 mm

Option B: 100 mm

Option C: 150 mm

Option D: 200 mm

Correct Answer: 100 mm

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Option A: 1.5

Option B: 2.0

Option C: 2.5

Option D: 3.0

Correct Answer: 2.5

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Option A: the least lateral dimension of the member

Option B: sixteen times the smallest diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bar to be tied

Option C: forty-eight times the diameter of transverse reinforcement

Option D: lesser of the above three values

Correct Answer: lesser of the above three values

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Option A: Minimum cross sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement in a column is 0.8%

Option B: Spacing of longitudinal bars measured along the periphery of column should not exceed 300 mm

Option C: Reinforcing bars in a column should not be less than 12 mm in diameter

Option D: The number of longitudinal bars provided in a circular column should not be less than four

Correct Answer: The number of longitudinal bars provided in a circular column should not be less than four

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Option A: 2 %

Option B: 4%

Option C: 6 %

Option D: 8 %

Correct Answer: 6 %

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Option A: directly proportional to compressive strength

Option B: inversely proportional to compressive strength

Option C: directly proportional to square root of compressive strength

Option D: inversely proportional to square root of compressive strength

Correct Answer: directly proportional to square root of compressive strength

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Option A: 15 4>

Option B: 20

Option C: 24 (j)

Option D: 30 (j)

Correct Answer: 24 (j)

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Option A: 15 mm

Option B: 25 mm

Option C: 30 mm

Option D: 40 mm

Correct Answer: 40 mm

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Option A: 0.15

Option B: 0.12

Option C: 0.30

Option D: 1.00

Correct Answer: 0.12

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Option A: 1/4

Option B: 1/5

Option C: 1/6

Option D: 1/8

Correct Answer: 1/8

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Option A: 10 mm

Option B: 15 mm

Option C: 25 mm

Option D: 13 mm

Correct Answer: 15 mm

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Option A: less than 12

Option B: less than 18

Option C: between 18 and 24

Option D: more than 24

Correct Answer: less than 12

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Option A: 600 mm

Option B: 750 mm

Option C: 900 mm

Option D: more than 1 m

Correct Answer: 750 mm

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Option A: the least lateral dimension

Option B: 2 times the least lateral dimension

Option C: 3 times the least lateral dimension

Option D: 4 times the least lateral dimension

Correct Answer: the least lateral dimension

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Option A: is maximum at neutral axis

Option B: decreases below the neutral axis and increases above the neutral axis

Option C: increases below the neutral axis and decreases above the neutral axis

Option D: remains same

Correct Answer: increases below the neutral axis and decreases above the neutral axis

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Option A: 3.5 m

Option B: 4 m

Option C: 4.5 m

Option D: 5 m

Correct Answer: 3.5 m

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Option A: 50 mm

Option B: 75 mm

Option C: 100 mm

Option D: 120 mm

Correct Answer: 75 mm

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Option A: effective span of T-beam

Option B: distance between points of zero moments in the beam

Option C: distance between points of maximum moments in the beam

Option D: clear span of the T-beam

Correct Answer: distance between points of zero moments in the beam

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Option A: 24 to 48 hours

Option B: 3 days

Option C: 7 days

Option D: 14 days

Correct Answer: 24 to 48 hours

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