
Strength Of Materials MCQs

Option A: W between P and F

Option B: F between W and P

Option C: P between W and F

Option D: W, P and F all on one side

Correct Answer: P between W and F

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Option A: newton

Option B: pascal

Option C: kilogram meter

Option D: watt

Correct Answer: joule

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Option A: kg/cm

Option B: ata

Option C: atmosphere

Option D: mm of wcl

Correct Answer: newton

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Option A: coplanar non-concurrent forces

Option B: non-coplanar concurrent forces

Option C: non-coplanar non-concurrent forces

Option D: intersecting forces

Correct Answer: non-coplanar concurrent forces

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Option A: time

Option B: mass

Option C: volume

Option D: density

Correct Answer: acceleration

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Option A: 2 and V6

Option B: 3 and 1 kg

Option C: V5andV5

Option D: 2 and 5

Correct Answer: V5andV5

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Option A: balance each other

Option B: constitute a moment

Option C: constitute a couple

Option D: constitute a moment of couple

Correct Answer: constitute a couple

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Option A: three forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium

Option B: three forces acting at a point can be represented by a triangle, each side being proportional to force

Option C: if three forces acting upon a patticle are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium

Option D: if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two

Correct Answer: if three forces acting upon a patticle are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium

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Option A: if a system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium, then their algebraic sum is zero

Option B: if a system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium, then the algebraic sum of their moments about any point in their plane is zero

Option C: the algebraic sum of the moments of any two forces about any point is equal to moment of theiwesultant about the same point

Option D: positive and negative couples can be balanced

Correct Answer: if a system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium, then the algebraic sum of their moments about any point in their plane is zero

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Option A: these forces are equal

Option B: the lines of action of these forces meet in a point

Option C: the lines of action of these forces are parallel

Option D: B. and C. above

Correct Answer: D. B. and C. above

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Option A: the floor is smooth, the wall is rough

Option B: the floor is rough, the wall is smooth

Option C: the floor and wall both are smooth surfaces

Option D: the floor and wall both are rough sur-faces

Correct Answer: the floor and wall both are smooth surfaces

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Option A: balance each other

Option B: produce a couple and an unbalanced force

Option C: are equivalent

Option D: produce a moment of couple

Correct Answer: balance each other

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Option A: resultant couple

Option B: moment of the forces

Option C: resulting couple

Option D: moment of the couple

Correct Answer: moment of the couple

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Option A: the center of heavy portion

Option B: the bottom surface

Option C: the mid point of its axis

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the mid point of its axis

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Option A: the point of C.G.

Option B: the point of metacentre

Option C: the point of application of the resultant of all the forces tending to cause a body to rotate about a certain axis

Option D: point of suspension

Correct Answer: the point of application of the resultant of all the forces tending to cause a body to rotate about a certain axis

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Option A: kg m2

Option B: m4

Option C: kg/m2

Option D: m3

Correct Answer: m4

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Option A: concurrence of the medians

Option B: intersection of its altitudes

Option C: intersection of bisector of angles

Option D: intersection of diagonals

Correct Answer: concurrence of the medians

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Option A: compression or tension

Option B: buckling or shear

Option C: shear or tension

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: compression or tension

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Option A: 2.5 cm

Option B: 3.0 cm

Option C: 4.0 cm

Option D: 5.0 cm

Correct Answer: 4.0 cm

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Option A: The C.G. of a circle is at its center

Option B: The C.G. of a triangle is at the intersection of its medians

Option C: The C.G. of a rectangle is at the inter-section of its diagonals

Option D: The C.G. of a semicircle is at a distance of r/2 from the center

Correct Answer: The C.G. of a semicircle is at a distance of r/2 from the center

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Option A: reaction of any smooth surface with which the body is in contact

Option B: reaction of a rough surface of a body which rolls on it without slipping

Option C: reaction at a point or an axis, fixed in space, around which a body is con-strained to turn

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: 20 kg, – ve sense

Option B: 20 kg, + ve sense

Option C: 10 kg, + ve sense

Option D: 10 kg, – ve sense

Correct Answer: 20 kg, – ve sense

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Option A: area of contact

Option B: shape of surfaces

Option C: strength of surfaces

Option D: nature of surface

Correct Answer: nature of surface

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Option A: coefficient of friction

Option B: angle of friction

Option C: angle of repose

Option D: sliding friction

Correct Answer: coefficient of friction

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Option A: towards the wall at its upper end

Option B: away from the wall at its upper end

Option C: upwards at its upper end

Option D: downwards at its upper end

Correct Answer: upwards at its upper end

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Option A: post friction

Option B: limiting friction

Option C: kinematic friction

Option D: frictional resistance

Correct Answer: dynamic friction

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Option A: proportional to normal load between the surfaces

Option B: dependent on the materials of contact surface

Option C: proportional to velocity of sliding

Option D: independent of the area of contact surfaces

Correct Answer: proportional to velocity of sliding

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Option A: 3t2-lt

Option B: 3t2+2t

Option C: 6f-8

Option D: 6f-4

Correct Answer: 6f-8

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Option A:

Option B: 30°

Option C: 45°

Option D: 60°

Correct Answer: 45°

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Option A: bodies having relative motion

Option B: two dry surfaces

Option C: two lubricated surfaces

Option D: solids and liquids

Correct Answer: bodies having relative motion

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Option A: kinetic friction

Option B: limiting friction

Option C: angle of repose

Option D: coefficient of friction

Correct Answer: coefficient of friction

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Option A: Wtan(a + )

Option B: Wtan(a-)

Option C: Wcos(a + )

Option D: Wsin(a + )

Correct Answer: Wtan(a + )

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Option A: r/2

Option B: r/A

Option C: r/%

Option D: 0.134 r

Correct Answer: 0.134 r

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Option A: balance each other

Option B: cannot balance each other

Option C: produce moment of a couple

Option D: are equivalent

Correct Answer: balance each other

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Option A: limiting friction

Option B: sliding friction

Option C: rolling friction

Option D: kinematic friction

Correct Answer: limiting friction

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Option A: coplanar

Option B: meet at one point ;

Option C: both A. and B. above

Option D: all be equal

Correct Answer: C. both A. and B. above

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A. j-2
C. 2/-3
E. 2/ -4

Correct Answer: 2/-3

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Option A: 25

Option B: 50

Option C: 100

Option D: 250

Correct Answer: 50

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Option A: kg m

Option B: kcal

Option C: wattr

Option D: watt hours

Correct Answer: wattr

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Option A: density of metal can’t be determined

Option B: metal is twice as dense as water

Option C: metal will float in water

Option D: metal is twice as dense as unknown fluid

Correct Answer: density of metal can’t be determined

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Option A: 38 m

Option B: 62.5 m

Option C: 96 m

Option D: 124 m

Correct Answer: 62.5 m

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Option A: at distance — from the plane base 3r

Option B: at distance — from the plane base 3r

Option C: at distance — from the plane base 3r

Option D: at distance — from the plane base or

Correct Answer: at distance — from the plane base or

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Option A: h/2

Option B: J/3

Option C: h/6

Option D: h/4

Correct Answer: h/4

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Option A: arm of man

Option B: pair of scissors

Option C: pair of clinical tongs

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: mechanical advantage is greater than velocity ratio

Option B: mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio

Option C: mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio

Option D: mechanical advantage is unity

Correct Answer: mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio

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Option A: mechanical advantage is greater than velocity ratio

Option B: mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio

Option C: mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio

Option D: mechanical advantage is unity

Correct Answer: mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio

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Option A: friction

Option B: limiting friction

Option C: repose

Option D: kinematic friction

Correct Answer: repose

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Option A: zeioth order

Option B: first order

Option C: second order

Option D: third order

Correct Answer: first order

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Option A: same

Option B: double

Option C: half

Option D: four times

Correct Answer: double

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Option A: right angled triangle

Option B: equilateral triangle

Option C: square

Option D: circle

Correct Answer: right angled triangle

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Option A: ellipse

Option B: hyperbola

Option C: parabola

Option D: circle

Correct Answer: hyperbola

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Option A: non-equilibrium

Option B: partial equilibrium

Option C: full equilibrium

Option D: unpredictable

Correct Answer: non-equilibrium

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Option A: nature of surfaces

Option B: shape of the surfaces

Option C: ail of the above.

Option D: A. and B. above

Correct Answer: nature of surfaces

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Option A: meet in a point

Option B: be all parallel

Option C: at least two of them must meet

Option D: all the above are correct

Correct Answer: all the above are correct

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Option A: equal to the moment of the couple

Option B: constant

Option C: both of above are correct

Option D: both of above are wrong

Correct Answer: equal to the moment of the couple

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Option A: remain horizontal

Option B: slant up towards direction of pull

Option C: slant down towards direction of pull

Option D: unpredictable

Correct Answer: slant down towards direction of pull

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Option A: tangent of angle between normal reac-tion and the resultant of normal reac-tion and the limiting friction

Option B: ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction

Option C: the friction force acting when the body is just about to move

Option D: the friction force acting when the body is in motion

Correct Answer: the friction force acting when the body is in motion

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Option A: same

Option B: more

Option C: less

Option D: may be less of more depending on nature of surfaces and velocity

Correct Answer: less

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Option A: more inclined when moving

Option B: less inclined when moving

Option C: more inclined when standing

Option D: less inclined when standing

Correct Answer: less inclined when standing

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Option A: W

Option B: W sin (a + $)

Option C: Wtan(a + <|))

Option D: Wan(a-)

Correct Answer: W

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Option A: angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction

Option B: ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction

Option C: the friction force acting when the body is just about to move

Option D: the friction force acting when the body is in motion

Correct Answer: ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction

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Option A: downwards at its upper end

Option B: upwards at its upper end

Option C: perpendicular to the wall at its upper end

Option D: zero at its upper end

Correct Answer: zero at its upper end

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Option A: the tangent of the angle of friction is equal to coefficient of friction

Option B: the angle of repose is equal to angle of friction

Option C: the tangent of the angle of repose is equal to coefficient of friction

Option D: the sine of the angle of repose is equal to coefficient to friction

Correct Answer: the sine of the angle of repose is equal to coefficient to friction

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Option A: along the plane

Option B: horizontally

Option C: vertically

Option D: at an angle equal to the angle of friction to the inclined plane

Correct Answer: at an angle equal to the angle of friction to the inclined plane

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Option A: angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction

Option B: ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction

Option C: the ratio of minimum friction force to the friction force acting when the body is just about to move

Option D: the ratio of minimum friction force to friction force acting when the body is in motion

Correct Answer: angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction

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Option A: maximum

Option B: minimum

Option C: zero

Option D: infinity

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: r/2

Option B: 2r/3

Option C: r/A

Option D: 3r/2

Correct Answer: r/2

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Option A: L/2

Option B: L/3

Option C: 3L/4

Option D: 2L/3

Correct Answer: L/3

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Option A: 0.5 cm

Option B: 1.0 cm

Option C: 1.5 cm

Option D: 2.5 cm

Correct Answer: 0.5 cm

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Option A: catenary

Option B: parabola

Option C: hyperbola

Option D: elliptical

Correct Answer: parabola

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Option A: kg m2

Option B: m4

Option C: kg/m2

Option D: kg/m

Correct Answer: kg m2

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Option A: one-fourth of the total height above base

Option B: one-third of the total height above base

Option C: one-half of the total height above base

Option D: three-eighth of the total height above the base

Correct Answer: one-third of the total height above base

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Option A: one-fourth of the total height above base

Option B: one-third of the total height above base

Option C: one-half of the total height above base

Option D: three-eighth of the total height above the base

Correct Answer: one-fourth of the total height above base

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Option A: two members with unknown forces of the frame

Option B: three members with unknown forces of the frame

Option C: four members with unknown forces of the frame

Option D: three members with known forces of the frame

Correct Answer: three members with unknown forces of the frame

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Option A: 2n-3

Option B: n-l

Option C: ‘2n-l

Option D: n – 2

Correct Answer: 2n-3

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Option A: three forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium

Option B: three forces acting at a point can be represented by a triangle, each side being proportional to force

Option C: if three forces acting upon a particle are represented in magnitude and

Option D: if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two

Correct Answer: if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two

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Option A: reducing the problem of kinetics to equivalent statics problem

Option B: determining stresses in the truss

Option C: stability of floating bodies

Option D: designing safe structures

Correct Answer: reducing the problem of kinetics to equivalent statics problem

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Option A: weight

Option B: velocity

Option C: acceleration

Option D: force

Correct Answer: weight

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Option A: their total sum is zero

Option B: two resolved parts in two directions at right angles are equal

Option C: sum of resolved parts in any two per-pendicular directions are both zero

Option D: all of them are inclined equally

Correct Answer: sum of resolved parts in any two per-pendicular directions are both zero

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Option A: maximum when it acts at the center of gravity of a body

Option B: different at different points in its line of action

Option C: the same at every point in its line of action

Option D: minimum when it acts at the C.G. of the body

Correct Answer: the same at every point in its line of action

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Option A: coplanar force

Option B: non-coplanar forces

Option C: lever

Option D: moment

Correct Answer: couple

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Option A: centripetal force of earth

Option B: gravitational pull exerted by the earth

Option C: forces experienced by body in atmos-phere

Option D: force of attraction experienced by par-ticles

Correct Answer: gravitational force of attraction towards the centre of the earth

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Option A: kcal

Option B: kg m

Option C: kWhr

Option D: hp

Correct Answer: hp

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Option A: angstrom

Option B: light year

Option C: micron

Option D: millimeter

Correct Answer: milestone

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Option A: the algebraic sum of the resolved parts of the forces in the given direction

Option B: the sum of the resolved parts of the forces in the given direction

Option C: the difference of the forces multiplied by the cosine of 9

Option D: the sum of the forces multiplied by the sine of 9

Correct Answer: the algebraic sum of the resolved parts of the forces in the given direction

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Option A: if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented by the sides

Option B: if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon, then the forces are in equilibrium

Option C: if a polygon representing forces acting at a point is closed then forces are in equilibrium

Option D: if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the forces are in equilibrium

Correct Answer: if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the forces are in equilibrium

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Option A: forces

Option B: independence of forces

Option C: dependence of forces

Option D: balance of force

Correct Answer: forces

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Option A: kW (kilowatt)

Option B: hp (horse power)

Option C: kcal/sec

Option D: kg m/sec

Correct Answer: kcal/kg sec

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Option A: Momentum and impulse

Option B: Torque and energy

Option C: Torque and work

Option D: Kinetic energy and potential energy

Correct Answer: Moment of a force and angular momentum

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Option A: P/2 cos 9/2

Option B: IP sin 9/2

Option C: 2P tan 9/2

Option D: IP cos 9/2

Correct Answer: IP cos 9/2

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Option A: not a replace them by a single force

Option B: to replace them by a single force

Option C: to replace them by a single force through C.G.

Option D: to replace them by a couple

Correct Answer: to replace them by a single force

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Option A: introduce internal stresses

Option B: balance the other forces acting on it

Option C: retard its motion

Option D: change its motion

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: one point

Option B: two points

Option C: plane

Option D: perpendicular planes

Correct Answer: one point

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Option A: kilogram

Option B: newton

Option C: watt

Option D: dyne

Correct Answer: newton

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Option A: magnitude

Option B: direction

Option C: point of application

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: magnitude

Option B: direction

Option C: position or line of action

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: one point

Option B: one plane

Option C: different planes

Option D: perpendicular planes

Correct Answer: one plane

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Option A: newton meter

Option B: watt

Option C: joule

Option D: kilogram meter/sec

Correct Answer: watt

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