
Active And Passive Voice MCQs

Option A: Let the thief to catch the thief

Option B: Let the thief be set to catch the thief

Option C: Thief is set to catch the thief

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Let the thief be set to catch the thief

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A He was asked a question Mr. Jamal.
B. He was asked a question to Mr. Jamal.
C. He was asked a question by Mr. Jamal.
D. A question was being asked by Mr. Jamal.

Submitted by: Rahim Zaman

Correct Answer: He was asked a question by Mr. Jamal.

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Option A: Grass is not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be.

Option B: Grass is not being eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be.

Option C: Grass is eaten not by a lion, however hungry he may be.

Option D: Grass is being not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be.

Correct Answer: Grass is not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be.

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A You are asked to make tea at eleven O’clock.
B. Your are required to make tea at eleven O’clock.
C. You are supposed to make tea at eleven O’clock.
D. Tea is to be made by you at eleven

Submitted by: Ameer Hamza

Correct Answer: You are supposed to make tea at eleven O’clock.

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Option A: Men are liked by women to flatter them

Option B: Women like to be flattered by men

Option C: Women like that men should flatter them

Option D: Women are liked to be flattered by men

Correct Answer: Women like to be flattered by men

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Option A: Why do your parents was disobey by you?

Option B: Why were your parents disobeyed by you?

Option C: Why your parents was disobeyed by you?

Option D: Why your parents  were disobey by you?

Correct Answer: Why were your parents disobeyed by you?

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Option A: By whom was English taught to you?

Option B: Who was taught English to you?

Option C: Who was teaches you English?

Option D: By whom is English is taught to you?

Correct Answer: By whom was English taught to you?

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Option A: They did not build Rome in a day.

Option B: They could not build Rome in a day.

Option C: The Romans did not build Rome in a day.

Option D: They have not built Rome in a day.

Correct Answer: The Romans did not build Rome in a day.

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Option A: They should have shot the traitors dead.

Option B: They shall shoot the traitors dead.

Option C: They should shoot the traitors dead.

Option D: They shot the traitors dead.

Correct Answer: They should shoot the traitors dead.

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Option A: Every morning I was greeted cheerfully.

Option B: I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.

Option C: I am being greeted cheerfully by them every morning.

Option D: Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning to me.

Correct Answer: I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.

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Option A: Who has been created this mess?

Option B: By whom has this mess been created?

Option C: By whom this mess is being created?

Option D: By whom is this mess being created?

Correct Answer: By whom is this mess being created?

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Option A: I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.

Option B: I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.

Option C: I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister.

Option D: I remember taken to the museum by my sister.

Correct Answer: I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.

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Option A: Is a match being played against our team by them?

Option B: Is a match be played against our team by them?

Option C: Is a match played against our team by them?

Option D: Is a match been played against our team by them?

Correct Answer: Is a match being played against our team by them?

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Option A: Your parents must obeyed by you.

Option B: Your parents must been obeyed by you.

Option C: Your parents must be obeyed by you.

Option D: Your parents must being obeyed by you.

Correct Answer: Your parents must be obeyed by you.

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A. Have a rest been taken by you?
B. Have a rest taken by you.
C. Had a rest taken by you?
D۔ Have a rest be take by you?

Submitted by: Rashid Mehmood

Correct Answer: Have a rest been taken by you?

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Option A: Why the duties neglected by an officer?

Option B: Why are the duties neglected by an officer?

Option C: Why is the duties neglected by an officer?

Option D: Why are the duties neglect by an officer.

Correct Answer: Why are the duties neglected by an officer?

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Option A: Was a zoo being visited by you?

Option B: Was a zoo be visited by you?

Option C: Was a zoo been visited by you?

Option D: Was a zoo visited by you?

Correct Answer: Was a zoo visited by you?

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Option A: I shall be invited by her.

Option B: I will invited by her.

Option C: I shall being invited by her.

Option D: I will been invited by her.

Correct Answer: I shall be invited by her.

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Option A: Exercise are taken daily by me.

Option B: Exercise is taken daily by me.

Option C: Exercise is being taken daily by me.

Option D: Exercise is been taken daily by me.

Correct Answer: Exercise is taken daily by me.

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Option A: She will praised very much by you.

Option B: She will be praised very much by you.

Option C: She will being praised very much by you.

Option D: She will been praised very much by you.

Correct Answer: She will be praised very much by you.

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Option A: Why a lie told by you?

Option B: Why is a lie be told by you?

Option C: Why is a lie told by you?

Option D: Why is a lite being told you?

Correct Answer: Why is a lie told by you?

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Option A: Why the best part of your life wasted by you?

Option B: Why were the best part of your life wasted by you?

Option C: Why did the best part of your life wasted by you?

Option D: Why was the best part of your life wasted by you?

Correct Answer: Why was the best part of your life wasted by you?

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Option A: Will the cake have baked by my mother?

Option B: Will the cake has being baked by my mother?

Option C: Will the cake be baked by my mother?

Option D: Will the cake have been baked by my mother?

Correct Answer: Will the cake have been baked by my mother?

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Option A: By whom a car designed?

Option B: By whom a car had designed?

Option C: By whom a car was designed?

Option D: By whom a car was being designed?

Correct Answer: By whom a car was designed?

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A. A car driven by him, when the accident occur.
B. A car was driven by him, when the accident occur.
C. A car was been driven by him, when the accident occurred.
D  A car was being driven by him, when the accident occurred.

Submitted by: Rashid Mehmood

Correct Answer: D  A car was being driven by him, when the accident occurred.

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Option A: The lecture probably not attended by them tomorrow.

Option B: The lecture probably won’t be attended by them.

Option C: The lecture not probably attended by them tomorrow.

Option D: The lecture probably won’t been attended by them tomorrow.

Correct Answer: B. The lecture probably won’t be attended by them.

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Option A: I asked her why she was sleeping.

Option B: I asked her that why she was sleeping.

Option C: I asked her that why was she sleeping.

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: I asked her why she was sleeping.

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Option A: Played

Option B: Played by he

Option C: Played by him

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Played

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Option A: The fight did not give up by him even though he was badly bruised.

Option B: The fight had not given up by him even though he was badly bruised.

Option C: The fight was not given up by him even though he was badly bruised.

Option D: The fight was not being given up by him even though he was badly bruised.

Correct Answer: The fight was not given up by him even though he was badly bruised.

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Option A: Tranquilizer should avoided by us in order to have good health.

Option B: Tranquilizer should been avoided by us in order to have a good health.

Option C: Tranquilizer should be avoid by us in order to have a good health.

Option D: Tranquilizer should be avoided by us in order to have a good health.

Correct Answer: Tranquilizer should be avoided by us in order to have a good health.

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Option A: He upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.

Option B: He was upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.

Option C: He has upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.

Option D: He were upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.

Correct Answer: He was upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.

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Option A: Whenever I said something, I never understood by her.

Option B: Whenever I said something, I had never understood by her.

Option C: Whenever I said something, I was being never understood by her.

Option D: Whenever I said something I was never understood by her.

Correct Answer: Whenever I said something I was never understood by her.

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Option A: The footsteps of my friend heard by me, when I am alone.

Option B: The footsteps of my friend is heard by me when I am alone.

Option C: The footsteps of my friend are heard by me when I am alone.

Option D: The footsteps of my friend was heard by me when I am alone.

Correct Answer: The footsteps of my friend are heard by me when I am alone.

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Option A: When the men coughed it realized by him that the men were quiet near to him.

Option B: When the men coughed it had realized by him that the men were quite near to him.

Option C: When the men coughed it was realized by him that the men were quite near to him.

Option D: When the men coughed it is realized by him the men ere quite near to him.

Correct Answer: When the men coughed it was realized by him that the men were quite near to him.

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Option A: Her doll was lost by the baby

Option B: Her doll had been lost by the baby

Option C: Her doll has been lost by the baby

Option D: Her doll will have been lost by the baby

Correct Answer: Her doll has been lost by the baby

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Option A: This house would be built by her

Option B: This house would have been built by her

Option C: This house will be built by her

Option D: This house will have been by her

Correct Answer: This house will be built by her

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Option A: The table broke up for firewood by them.

Option B: The table has broken up for firewood by them.

Option C: The table had broken up for firewood by them.

Option D: The table was broken up for firewood by them.

Correct Answer: The table was broken up for firewood by them.

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Option A: Two courses are been completed by her.

Option B: Two courses has been completed by her.

Option C: Two courses have been completed by her.

Option D: Two courses had been completed by her.

Correct Answer: Two courses have been completed by her.

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Option A: He did not watch movies.

Option B: He do not watch movies.

Option C: He does not watch movies.

Option D: He is not watched movies.

Correct Answer: He does not watch movies.

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Option A: We shall not encouraging indiscipline.

Option B: We have not encouraging indiscipline.

Option C: We should not encourage Indiscipline.

Option D: We must not encouraged indiscipline.

Correct Answer: We should not encourage Indiscipline.

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Option A: A meeting was hold by them very early.

Option B: A meeting will be held by them very early.

Option C: A meeting is held by them very early

Option D: A meeting was held by them very early.

Correct Answer: A meeting was held by them very early.

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Option A: We are using this house very rarely.

Option B: We use this house very rarely.

Option C: We used this house very rarely.

Option D: We uses this house very rarely.

Correct Answer: We use this house very rarely.

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Option A: No more this box can contain.

Option B: No more could be contained in this box.

Option C: No more can be contained in this box.

Option D: Nothing can be contained in this box.

Correct Answer: No more can be contained in this box.

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Option A: The dogs are chasing him.

Option B: The dogs chased him.

Option C: The dogs chase him.

Option D: The dogs were chasing him.

Correct Answer: The dogs were chasing him.

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Option A: You should be punished by the teacher.

Option B: You shall have been punished by the teacher.

Option C: You will be punished by the teacher.

Option D: You may be punished by the teacher.

Correct Answer: You may be punished by the teacher.

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Option A: An old shirt was given to Sajid by the beggar.

Option B: An old shirt was given to the beggar by Sajid.

Option C: The beggar was gave an old shirt by Sajid.

Option D: An old shirt was gave to the beggar by Sajid.

Correct Answer: An old shirt was given to the beggar by Sajid.

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Option A: Has all the necessary arrangements been made by someone ?

Option B: Have the necessary arrangements been all made by someone ?

Option C: Have all the necessary arrangements been made by someone ?

Option D: All the necessary arrangements have been made by one.

Correct Answer: Have all the necessary arrangements been made by someone ?

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Option A: The bell has been being rung by the boy.

Option B: The bell was being rung by the boy.

Option C: The bell was rung by the boy.

Option D: The bell has been rung by the boy.

Correct Answer: The bell has been rung by the boy.

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Option A: The bull had been pulled violently by someone.

Option B: The bull was to be pulled violently by someone.

Option C: The bull had been pulled violently.

Option D: The bull was pulled violently.

Correct Answer: The bull was pulled violently.

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Option A: Him was elected Mayor the people.

Option B: He was elected Mayor by the people.

Option C: Mayor is elected by the people.

Option D: He is elected by the people Mayor.

Correct Answer: He was elected Mayor by the people.

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Option A: English is spoken by people.

Option B: English was spoken all over the world.

Option C: English was spoken by people.

Option D: English is spoken all over the world.

Correct Answer: English is spoken all over the world.

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Option A: Her clothes are being washed by Sana.

Option B: Her clothes were being washed by Sana.

Option C: Her clothes has been washed by Sana.

Option D: Her clothes is being washed by Sana.

Correct Answer: Her clothes are being washed by Sana.

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Option A: Leaving the house he was seen by me.

Option B: He was seen leaving the house by me.

Option C: He had been seen leaving the house.

Option D: He was seen to be leaving the house.

Correct Answer: He was seen leaving the house by me.

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Option A: The glass was not broken by the boy.

Option B: The glass has not been broken by the boy.

Option C: The glass is not broken by the boy.

Option D: The glass had not been broken by the boy.

Correct Answer: The glass was not broken by the boy.

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Option A: He has not been liked by anyone.

Option B: He was not liked by anyone.

Option C: He is liked by none.

Option D: He is not liked by anyone.

Correct Answer: He is liked by none.

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