
Medical MCQs

Option A: Boiling

Option B: Condensation

Option C: Vulconization

Option D: Chain lengthening

Correct Answer: Vulconization

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Option A: Single mix material have higher viscosity

Option B: Shear thinning is related to viscosity of non phase impression material

Option C: Improper mixing of material can cause permanent deformation of impression

Option D: Putty – wash technique of impression reduces dimensional change of setting

Correct Answer: Single mix material have higher viscosity

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Option A: Warps at room temperature

Option B: Is a thermoset material

Option C: Shows increased flow when kneaded with water

Option D: Low coefficient of thermal conductivity

Correct Answer: Is a thermoset material

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Option A: Reduced dimensional instability

Option B: Improved adhesion of the impression to the tray

Option C: Minimal permanent deformation

Option D: Reduced contamination by saliva

Correct Answer: Minimal permanent deformation

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Option A: Zinc oxide-eugenol

Option B: Reversible hydrocolloid

Option C: Alginate

Option D: Polysulphide rubber

Correct Answer: Zinc oxide-eugenol

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Option A: Hydrophilic

Option B: Hydrophobic

Option C: Water loving impression materials

Option D: Potassium alginates

Correct Answer: Hydrophobic

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Option A: Hydrocolloid

Option B: Impression compound

Option C: Elastomer

Option D: Zinc oxide eugenol

Correct Answer: Hydrocolloid

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Option A: Gelation increase in both on increase in temperature

Option B: Mixing time is increased to reduce the setting time

Option C: Deformation during removal of impression occurs due to distortion of gel fibers

Option D: Both can be re-used for fresh impressions

Correct Answer: Deformation during removal of impression occurs due to distortion of gel fibers

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Option A: 20°C to 25°C

Option B: 27°C to 33°C

Option C: 37°C to 50°C

Option D: 55°C to 60°C

Correct Answer: 37°C to 50°C

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Option A: Zinc oxide impression material

Option B: Agar

Option C: Condensation silicone

Option D: Polyether

Correct Answer: Agar

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Option A: Polysulphide

Option B: Silicone

Option C: Impression plaster

Option D: Zinc oxide eugenol paster

Correct Answer: Impression plaster

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Option A: Impression compound

Option B: Alginate

Option C: Agar-agar

Option D: Polyether

Correct Answer: Impression compound

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Option A: Close adaptation to soft tissues

Option B: With drawl without permanent distortion

Option C: Reproduction of surface details

Option D: Compatibility with gypsum products

Correct Answer: With drawl without permanent distortion

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Option A: Low thermal conductivity

Option B: Crystalline structure

Option C: Formation of cross linkage with heating

Option D: High fusion temperature

Correct Answer: Low thermal conductivity

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Option A: polysulfides

Option B: Condensation silicones

Option C: addition silicones

Option D: Polyether

Correct Answer: Polyether

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Option A: Retarder

Option B: Reactor

Option C: Accelerator

Option D: Plasticizer

Correct Answer: Retarder

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Option A: Impression compound

Option B: Zinc Oxide eugenol (ZOE) paste

Option C: Wax

Option D: Polyvinyl siloxane

Correct Answer: Polyvinyl siloxane

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Option A: 19

Option B: 20

Option C: 21

Option D: 26

Correct Answer: 19

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Option A: Alginate

Option B: Agar

Option C: Polyethers

Option D: Imp. Compound

Correct Answer: Polyethers

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Option A: Condensation silicone

Option B: Alginate

Option C: Polysulfide

Option D: Addition silicone

Correct Answer: Polysulfide

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Option A: increasing the working time of alginate impression material

Option B: Acts as an accelerator

Option C: Initiating the setting reaction

Option D: Provides gel strength

Correct Answer: increasing the working time of alginate impression material

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Option A: Agar

Option B: Alginate impression material

Option C: Both of the above

Option D: Primary impression

Correct Answer: Both of the above

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Option A: Low thermal conductivity

Option B: High flow property

Option C: Degradation is presence of moisture

Option D: Remain distortion free up to 72 hrs. pouring can be safely delayed

Correct Answer: Low thermal conductivity

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Option A: Mercaptan

Option B: Silicone

Option C: Reversible hydrocolloid

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Metallic oxide paste

Option B: Silicone impression material

Option C: Reversible hydrocolloid

Option D: Impression plaster

Correct Answer: Metallic oxide paste

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Option A: Increase gel strength

Option B: Prevent syneresis

Option C: Prevent distortion

Option D: Wash off saliva on impression

Correct Answer: Wash off saliva on impression

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Option A: Agar

Option B: Alginic acid

Option C: Gelatin

Option D: alginate

Correct Answer: Agar

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Option A: Impression plaster

Option B: Hydrocolloids

Option C: Elastomer

Option D: Impression compound

Correct Answer: Hydrocolloids

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Option A: Adding a drop of eugenol

Option B: Adding a drop of water

Option C: Cooling the glass slab

Option D: Altering ratio of two pastes

Correct Answer: Cooling the glass slab

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Option A: Less compressive than alginate

Option B: More compressive than alginate

Option C: As compressive as alginate

Option D: More compressive than hydrocolloids

Correct Answer: Less compressive than alginate

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Option A: Reversible hydrocolloid

Option B: Mercaptan impression material

Option C: Zinc Phosphate cement

Option D: Zinc oxide-eugenol

Correct Answer: Mercaptan impression material

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Option A: Oral mucosal tissues

Option B: Dental hard tissues

Option C: Oral mucosal tissues and dental hard tissues

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Oral mucosal tissues

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Option A: Seen as water loss

Option B: Water absorption

Option C: Shrinkage

Option D: Gelation

Correct Answer: Seen as water loss

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Option A: Agar-agar

Option B: Alginate

Option C: Zinc oxide eugenol

Option D: Plaster of paris

Correct Answer: Agar-agar

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Option A: Marcaptan group

Option B: Hydroxyl group

Option C: Silane group

Option D: Virryl group

Correct Answer: Hydroxyl group

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Option A: Moisture absorption

Option B: Temperature lag between gelation and liquefaction temperature

Option C: Phenomenon of conversion of gel into sol

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Temperature lag between gelation and liquefaction temperature

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Option A: Adding a small amount of glycerine

Option B: Adding a small amount of water

Option C: Altering the amounts of the two pastes used

Option D: Cooling mixing slab

Correct Answer: Adding a small amount of water

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Option A: They evolve hydrogen when cast if they are not fully cured

Option B: They exhibit a very low setting shrinkage

Option C: They have a lower tear resistance than polysulphide rubbers

Option D: They set by condensation polymerisation

Correct Answer: They set by condensation polymerisation

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Option A: Chemical reaction

Option B: Cold

Option C: Heat

Option D: Pressure

Correct Answer: Chemical reaction

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Option A: Rapid spatulation results in decreased setting time

Option B: 2% potassium sulphate is accelerator

Option C: Citrates are retarders

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Not waiting for 20 min before pouring

Option B: High speed accelerator

Option C: Air incorporation in the mix

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Increased spatulation

Option B: Adding potassium sulfate

Option C: Less water powder ratio

Option D: Allowing setting under water

Correct Answer: Adding potassium sulfate

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Option A: Na2 So4

Option B: Nacl

Option C: Citrales

Option D: K2 So4

Correct Answer: Citrales

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Option A: Impression plaster

Option B: Model plaster

Option C: Stone plaster

Option D: Die stone

Correct Answer: Die stone

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Option A: Testing the strength of plaster of paris

Option B: Evaluating the setting time of plaster of pris

Option C: Testing the metal hardness

Option D: Testing the purity of noble metals

Correct Answer: Evaluating the setting time of plaster of pris

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Option A: Difference in solubility of CaSo4 ½ H2O + CaSO4+ 2H2O

Option B: Reaction between CaSO4+ 2H2O and water

Option C: Nucleation and growth of CaSo4 ½ H2O crystals

Option D: Reaction between hemihydrate and hihydrate

Correct Answer: Difference in solubility of CaSo4 ½ H2O + CaSO4+ 2H2O

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Option A: Impression plaster

Option B: Class I stone / Hydrocal

Option C: Class II stone/Densite

Option D: Model plaster

Correct Answer: Impression plaster

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Option A: Is wet calcined hemihydrate

Option B: Has porous and irregular crystals

Option C: Is a – hamihydrate

Option D: Has a W / P of 0.2

Correct Answer: Has porous and irregular crystals

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Option A: 0.05

Option B: 0.10

Option C: 0.15

Option D: 0.20

Correct Answer: 0.10

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Option A: Chemical composition

Option B: Self life

Option C: Sharpe and size of particles

Option D: Solubility in water

Correct Answer: Sharpe and size of particles

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Option A: Impressions

Option B: Casts

Option C: Die

Option D: Casts and Dies

Correct Answer: Casts

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Option A: Dry strength

Option B: Green strength

Option C: Water strength

Option D: Compressive strength

Correct Answer: Green strength

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Option A: Which undergoes rapid expansion

Option B: In which accelerators or retarders have been added according to need

Option C: In which amount of water of hydration is controlled

Option D: In which the crystals are all of uniform size

Correct Answer: In which accelerators or retarders have been added according to need

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Option A: Plaster of paris

Option B: Soluble plaster

Option C: Anti – expansion solution

Option D: Die stones

Correct Answer: Soluble plaster

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Option A: Solubility

Option B: Shelf life

Option C: Chemical formula

Option D: Particle porosity

Correct Answer: Particle porosity

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Option A: More water

Option B: Less water

Option C: no water

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: More water

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Option A: Class II stone

Option B: Densite

Option C: Class I stone or hydrocal

Option D: Model or lab plaster

Correct Answer: Class I stone or hydrocal

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Option A: Alpha – hemihydrates

Option B: Beta – hemihydrates

Option C: Calcium sulphate dihydrate

Option D: Orthorhombic anhydrate

Correct Answer: A. Alpha – hemihydrates

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Option A: Tensile strength

Option B: Wet strength

Option C: Green strength

Option D: compressive strength

Correct Answer: compressive strength

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Option A: To regulate the setting expansion

Option B: Regulate setting time

Option C: Acts as retarder

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Regulate setting time

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Option A: Slower the hygroscopic expansion

Option B: Greater the hygroscopic expansion

Option C: Normal setting expansion

Option D: No setting expansion

Correct Answer: Greater the hygroscopic expansion

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Option A: 1

Option B: 4

Option C: 12

Option D: 25

Correct Answer: 25

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Option A: Modify setting time

Option B: Modify setting expansion

Option C: Modify strength

Option D: Decrease the porosity

Correct Answer: Modify setting time

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Option A: H2O interferes with hygroscopic expansion

Option B: H2O inhibits polymerization of dental resin

Option C: H2O interferes with Crystallization of dihydrate

Option D: Gypsum is slightly soluble in water and the surface of the cast will be eroded

Correct Answer: Gypsum is slightly soluble in water and the surface of the cast will be eroded

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Option A: They are more regular in shape and dense

Option B: They are more regular in shape and highly porous

Option C: They are more irregular in shape and porous

Option D: They are more dense and prismatic in shape

Correct Answer: They are more irregular in shape and porous

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Option A: Altering P / L Ratio

Option B: Altering temperature of mixing water

Option C: Speed and length of hand spatulation

Option D: Addition of accelerators and retarders

Correct Answer: Addition of accelerators and retarders

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Option A: Stone

Option B: Plaster

Option C: Investment

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Sodium fluoride

Option B: Potassium fluoride

Option C: Potassium sulfate

Option D: Aluminium sulfate

Correct Answer: Potassium sulfate

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Option A: Investment

Option B: Hydrocolloids

Option C: Amalgam

Option D: Silicate

Correct Answer: Investment

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Option A: Setting time

Option B: Setting expansion

Option C: Hardness of the set product

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Setting time

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Option A: Calcium sulphate hemihydrate

Option B: Calcium phosphate

Option C: Calcium anhydrate

Option D: Calcium sulphate dihydrate

Correct Answer: Calcium sulphate hemihydrate

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Option A: Impression of single tooth

Option B: Impression of whole teeth

Option C: Replica of single tooth

Option D: Replica of whole teeth

Correct Answer: Replica of single tooth

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Option A: Plastic bowl

Option B: Rubber bowl

Option C: Glass bowl

Option D: Metal bowl

Correct Answer: Rubber bowl

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Option A: 18.6ml

Option B: 22.2ml

Option C: 30.4ml

Option D: 45.3ml

Correct Answer: 18.6ml

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Option A: Dry strength

Option B: Compressive strength

Option C: Strength of dental stone due to green colour

Option D: The wet strength

Correct Answer: The wet strength

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Option A: 0.28 and 0.6

Option B: 0.6 and 0.28

Option C: 0.6 and 3.2

Option D: 0.28 and 0.98

Correct Answer: 0.28 and 0.6

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Option A: CaO

Option B: CaCO3

Option C: (CaSO4)2-½H2O

Option D: CaSO4-2H2O

Correct Answer: (CaSO4)2-½H2O

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Option A: Gold added with palladium

Option B: Gold added with calcium

Option C: Gold with much of chromium

Option D: Gold with silver

Correct Answer: Gold added with palladium

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Option A: 24 K

Option B: 22 K

Option C: 18 K

Option D: 10 K

Correct Answer: 18 K

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Option A: Composite

Option B: Silver

Option C: Gold

Option D: Amalgam

Correct Answer: Gold

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Option A: Atomic attraction and welding

Option B: Annealing

Option C: Wedging

Option D: Adaptation

Correct Answer: Atomic attraction and welding

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Option A: 10 um

Option B: 15 um

Option C: 30 um

Option D: 0.1 um

Correct Answer: 15 um

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Option A: Cohesive gold

Option B: Non cohesive gold

Option C: Class I casting gold

Option D: Class IV casting gold

Correct Answer: Cohesive gold

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Option A: Gold and Platinum

Option B: Cobalt and Chromium

Option C: Gold and Calcium

Option D: Tin and chromium

Correct Answer: Gold and Calcium

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Option A: 18

Option B: 20

Option C: 22

Option D: 24

Correct Answer: 24

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Option A: Crystalline

Option B: Granular gold

Option C: Mat gold

Option D: Sponge gold

Correct Answer: Granular gold

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Option A: High firing temperature

Option B: Disintegration of opaque layer

Option C: Presence of copper

Option D: Formation of excess oxides

Correct Answer: Presence of copper

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Option A: Made by a combination of chemical precipitation and atomization

Option B: Made by electrolytic precipitation

Option C: Made by beating pure gold at high temperatures

Option D: Made by milling pure gold ingots

Correct Answer: Made by a combination of chemical precipitation and atomization

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Option A: Properly condensed mat gold has no voids

Option B: Whatever may be the type voids are inherent

Option C: Voids can be avoided with manual condensation

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Whatever may be the type voids are inherent

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Option A: Perpendicular to the walls

Option B: Parallel to long axis of crown

Option C: 45° to the wall

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 45° to the wall

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Option A: Using contaminated gold foil

Option B: Poor finished preparation

Option C: Improper stepping of condenser point

Option D: Using small condenser point

Correct Answer: Improper stepping of condenser point

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Option A: Electra alloy

Option B: Mat gold

Option C: Spherical gold

Option D: Gold foll

Correct Answer: Mat gold

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Option A: Parotid – stenson’s duct – pure serous

Option B: Submandibular – Wharton’s duct – mixed and predominantly serous

Option C: Sublingual gland – bartholin’s duct – mixed and predominantly mucous

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Roof of mandible contains thin, compact bone

Option B: Articular tubercle is composed of spongy bone covered with thin compact bone

Option C: Condyle contains red bone marrow

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 6 weeks

Option B: 18 weeks

Option C: 10 weeks

Option D: 16 weeks

Correct Answer: 10 weeks

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Option A: Cutting cone or resorption tunnel is the area of resorption seen in alveolar bone

Option B: CAMP or cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels are increased on pressure side of bone and this results in bone resorption

Option C: Immature born / embryonic bone seen during fracture healing contains less calcified material and greater number of large osteocytes

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: All the bones of upper face develop by intra membranous ossification

Option B: Incus and malleus develops from mecketls cartilage

Option C: The third auditory ossicle or stapes develops from 2nd branchial arch

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: In case of pituitary gigantis, all sinuses assume a larger volume than normal

Option B: In chronic infections, the pain may mimic neuralgia of dental origin

Option C: Malignant lesions of maxillary sinus produce their manifestations in maxillary teeth

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Maxillary sinus communicates with environment through middle meatus and nasal vestibule

Option B: Maxillary sinus is four- sided pyramid

Option C: In most of the cases, the main ostium is present in posterior third of hiatus semilunar

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: The architecture of type I spongiosa is seen in mandible

Option B: Type II spongiosa is seen in maxilla

Option C: Condylar process & angle in mandible, and tuberosity in maxilla contain hemopoietic cellular marrow

Option D: Bundle bone contains a lesser amounts of calcium salts than other types of bony tissue

Correct Answer: Bundle bone contains a lesser amounts of calcium salts than other types of bony tissue

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