
Emotions MCQs

Option A: Adrenaline

Option B: Amines.

Option C: Cortisone

Option D: Endrophins.

Correct Answer: Adrenaline

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Option A: Pursed lips.

Option B: Smiling.

Option C: Sticking out your tongue.

Option D: Raising your eyebrows.

Correct Answer: Smiling.

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Option A: Attribution

Option B: Emotional expression

Option C: Physiologiacl arousal

Option D: Vocal modulation

Correct Answer: Physiologiacl arousal

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Option A: Body language.

Option B: Emotional expression.

Option C: Arousal during emotional states.

Option D: Emotional expression in animals and humans.

Correct Answer: Body language.

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Option A: Emotion occurs when the thalamus sends signals stimultaneously to the cortex and to the autonomic nervous system

Option B: Emotions develop because of their adaptive value

Option C: Different patterns of autonomic activation lead to the experience of different emotions

Option D: The experience of emotion depends on autonomic arousal and your cognitive interpretation of that arousal

Correct Answer: The experience of emotion depends on autonomic arousal and your cognitive interpretation of that arousal

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Option A: Experiencing different unique secondary emotions

Option B: Experiencing different intensities of the same primary notion

Option C: Experiencing different unique primary emotions

Option D: Each labelling their emotions differently due to difference in genetic disposition

Correct Answer: Experiencing different intensities of the same primary notion

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Option A: The inability to cope with stress effectively

Option B: Being caught between two incompatible motives

Option C: Being expected to live up to high standard of performance

Option D: Being blocked in the pursuit of a desire goal

Correct Answer: Being blocked in the pursuit of a desire goal

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Option A: Appraisal, perception, bodily changes, emotions, actions

Option B: Perception, bodily changes, appraisal, emotions, actions

Option C: Perception, appraisal, bodily changes, emotions, actions

Option D: Bodily changes, perception, emotions, actions, appraisal.

Correct Answer: Perception, appraisal, bodily changes, emotions, actions

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Option A: Exhaustion

Option B: Stress appraisal

Option C: Resistance

Option D: Adjustment

Correct Answer: Resistance

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Option A: Relative deprivation principle.

Option B: Guilty knowledge test

Option C: Adaptation-level phenomenon

Option D: Two-factor theory

Correct Answer: Guilty knowledge test

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Option A: Monitoring physiological indices of autonomic arousal.

Option B: Directly assessing the truthfulness of a person’s statements.

Option C: Monitoring the person’s facial expressions.

Option D: All of the above.

Correct Answer: Monitoring physiological indices of autonomic arousal.

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Option A: Two-factor theory.

Option B: Cannon-Bard theory.

Option C: Adaptation-level principle.

Option D: Evolutionary perspective

Correct Answer: Evolutionary perspective

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Option A: Death of a spouse

Option B: Divorce

Option C: Losing a job

Option D: Major move

Correct Answer: Death of a spouse

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Option A: Hypothalamus

Option B: Hippocampus

Option C: Carebellum

Option D: Thalamus

Correct Answer: Hypothalamus

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Option A: James-Lange theory.

Option B: Spilover effect

Option C: Cannon-Bard theory

Option D: Catharsis hypothesis.

Correct Answer: Spilover effect

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Option A: Approach-avoidance

Option B: Avoidance-avoidance

Option C: Approach-approach

Option D: Approach-approach-approach

Correct Answer: Approach-avoidance

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Option A: Of sexual receptivity caused by hormone cycles.

Option B: Of bodily activity approximately 24 hours in length.

Option C: Of emotional arousal.

Option D: During which various bodily systems are in phase.

Correct Answer: Of bodily activity approximately 24 hours in length.

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Option A: Parasympathetic

Option B: Sympathetic

Option C: Somatic

Option D: Adaptive

Correct Answer: Sympathetic

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Option A: The common sense theory

Option B: The Cannon-Bard theory

Option C: Attribution theory

Option D: The James-Lange theory

Correct Answer: The Cannon-Bard theory

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Option A: The midbrain

Option B: The left hemisphere

Option C: The right hemisphere

Option D: Both hemispheres

Correct Answer: Both hemispheres

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Option A: A pessimistic explanatory style

Option B: Problem-focused coping

Option C: Hypochondriasis

Option D: Emotion-focused coping

Correct Answer: A pessimistic explanatory style

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Option A: Electrocardiograph

Option B: Myograph

Option C: Electroencephalograph

Option D: Polygraph

Correct Answer: Polygraph

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Option A: Biofeedback

Option B: The general adaptation syndrome.

Option C: Psychoanalysis.

Option D: Cognitive therapy.

Correct Answer: Biofeedback

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Option A: Not really an emotions, because it does not appear on the emotion wheel.

Option B: One of the thousand distinct emotions of which people are capable.

Option C: One of the basic emotions.

Option D: A combination of more basic emotions

Correct Answer: A combination of more basic emotions

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Option A: “My racing heart must mean i’m terrified because everyone else is screaming.”

Option B: “The sight of the drop makes my heart race and it me feel terrified.”

Option C: “My heart is racing because i am terrified.”

Option D: “I feel terrified because my heart is racing.”

Correct Answer: D. “I feel terrified because my heart is racing.”

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Option A: Optimistic; pessimistic

Option B: Bright; dull

Option C: Hard- driving; easy-going

Option D: Introverted ; extraverted

Correct Answer: Hard- driving; easy-going

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Option A: Producing teratogens

Option B: Increasing the production of lymphocytes

Option C: Secreting cortisol

Option D: Producing androgens

Correct Answer: Secreting cortisol

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Option A: Hypothalamus

Option B: Visual sensation of the emotional stimulus

Option C: Amygdala

Option D: The physiological feedback from the body

Correct Answer: The physiological feedback from the body

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Option A: Activation of skeletal muscle, activation of smooth muscle

Option B: Mobilizing the body in response to stress, maintaining the body at rest

Option C: The release of acetylcholine onto target organs, the release of adrenaline

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Mobilizing the body in response to stress, maintaining the body at rest

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Option A: Fear; interest

Option B: Sadness; surprise

Option C: Anger; contempt

Option D: Disgust; horror

Correct Answer: Sadness; surprise

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Option A: Control

Option B: Critical

Option C: Relevant

Option D: Irrelevant

Correct Answer: Irrelevant

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Option A: James-Lange theory.

Option B: Catharsis hypothesis.

Option C: Relative deprivation theory.

Option D: Two-factor theory.

Correct Answer: Catharsis hypothesis.

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Option A: Behavioral

Option B: Health

Option C: Forensic

Option D: Educational

Correct Answer: Health

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Option A: Being well educated

Option B: Being over 50 years old

Option C: Having children

Option D: Having a meaningful religious faith

Correct Answer: Having a meaningful religious faith

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Option A: Cartharsis hypothesis.

Option B: Relative deprivation principle.

Option C: Feel-good, do-good phenomenon.

Option D: Adaptation-level phenomenon.

Correct Answer: Feel-good, do-good phenomenon.

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Option A: An avoidance-avoidance conflict

Option B: An approach-approach conflict

Option C: A double approach-avoidance conflict

Option D: An approach-avoidance conflict

Correct Answer: An avoidance-avoidance conflict

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Option A: Cannon-Bard theory.

Option B: Relative deprivation principle.

Option C: Adaptation-level phenomenon

Option D: Catharsis hypothesis.

Correct Answer: Adaptation-level phenomenon

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Option A: Thalamus

Option B: Hypothalamus

Option C: Hippocampus

Option D: Amygdala

Correct Answer: Amygdala

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Option A: Hopefulness

Option B: Surprise

Option C: Happiness

Option D: Contempt

Correct Answer: Hopefulness

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Option A: Facial feedback effect.

Option B: Relative deprivation principle

Option C: Adaptation-level phenomenon

Option D: Catharsis hypothesis.

Correct Answer: Relative deprivation principle

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Option A: The common-sense view of emotion

Option B: The James-Lange theory of emotion

Option C: The Cannon-Bard theory of emotion

Option D: Izard’s evolutionary theory of emotion

Correct Answer: The Cannon-Bard theory of emotion

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Option A: Coincides with; precedes

Option B: Precedes; coincides with

Option C: Follow; precedes

Option D: Follows; coincides with

Correct Answer: Follows; coincides with

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Option A: Any change in life can be stressful

Option B: Marriage is the most stressful life event for more people.

Option C: Stress is largely a positive experience.

Option D: Conflict is the number one cause of stress.

Correct Answer: Any change in life can be stressful

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Option A: GABAergic

Option B: Cholinergic

Option C: Dopaminergic

Option D: Serotonergic

Correct Answer: GABAergic

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Option A: Psychopharmacological

Option B: Neuropsychological

Option C: Behavioral

Option D: Psychophysiological

Correct Answer: Psychophysiological

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Option A: An avoidance-approach conflict

Option B: An avoidance-avoidance conflict

Option C: Indecision

Option D: An approach-approach conflict

Correct Answer: An approach-approach conflict

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Option A: Glucocorticoids

Option B: Telomeres

Option C: Cortisols

Option D: Lymphocytes

Correct Answer: Lymphocytes

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Option A: Anger; fera

Option B: Love; hate

Option C: Elation; depression

Option D: Disgust; joy

Correct Answer: Disgust; joy

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Option A: Shaping

Option B: Observational learning

Option C: Classic conditioning

Option D: Relative deprivation

Correct Answer: Observational learning

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Option A: Hippocampus

Option B: Striatum

Option C: Hypothalamus

Option D: Amygdala

Correct Answer: Striatum

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Option A: There is a different pattern of physiological activity for each emotion

Option B: The autonomic nervous system has no role to play in emotion

Option C: Cognitive appraisal of the emotional situation has to take place before activation of the sympathetic nervous system can occur

Option D: The autonomic nervous system responds in exactly the same way to all type of emotion

Correct Answer: The autonomic nervous system responds in exactly the same way to all type of emotion

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Option A: Animals without a sympathetic nervous system can still experience emotion

Option B: Animals without an amygdala cannot experience emotion

Option C: Emotions can never be ‘experienced’ until the body has time to react

Option D: The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the feeling of emotion

Correct Answer: Animals without a sympathetic nervous system can still experience emotion

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Option A: Attribution

Option B: James-lange

Option C: Cannon-Bard

Option D: Cognitive

Correct Answer: James-lange

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Option A: An electromyocardiograph

Option B: A galvanic response meter

Option C: An electroercephalograph

Option D: A polygraph

Correct Answer: A polygraph

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Option A: Angry

Option B: Disgusted

Option C: Happy

Option D: Scared

Correct Answer: Happy

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Option A: When one a anticipates the threat or the stressful situation

Option B: When one knows how long the stressful situation will last

Option C: When one understands the nature and cause of the situation

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: The thalamus plays a central role in producing emotions.

Option B: The carebellum must give the go-ahead for emotion.

Option C: Activity in the occipital and parietal lobes happens simultaneously to produce emotions.

Option D: The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work in concert.

Correct Answer: The thalamus plays a central role in producing emotions.

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Option A: The individual becomes emotional, frenzied, and disorganized.

Option B: Only biological needs can be meet.

Option C: Performance of the most complex tasks improves.

Option D: Intellectual products exhibit great creativity.

Correct Answer: The individual becomes emotional, frenzied, and disorganized.

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Option A: A false dischotomy

Option B: Semantic slanting

Option C: Circular reasoning

Option D: Slippery slope

Correct Answer: Circular reasoning

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Option A: Are the most extreme forms of various emotions.

Option B: Are stubtle emotional undercurrents.

Option C: Reflect base physiological changes.

Option D: Reflect only positive emotions.

Correct Answer: Are stubtle emotional undercurrents.

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Option A: The midbrain

Option B: The left hemisphere

Option C: The right hemisphere

Option D: The amygdala

Correct Answer: The amygdala

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Option A: Adaptation-level principle

Option B: Relative-deprivation principle

Option C: Cannon-Bard theory

Option D: James-Lange theory

Correct Answer: James-Lange theory

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Option A: Facial expressions

Option B: Tones of voice

Option C: Verbal experiences

Option D: Body postures

Correct Answer: Facial expressions

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Option A: Psychophysiological illness

Option B: Stress

Option C: Spontaneous remission

Option D: Biofeedback

Correct Answer: Stress

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Option A: Psychology’s theoretical diversity

Option B: Psychology’s empiricism

Option C: People’s experience of the world is subjective

Option D: The joint influence of heredity and experience

Correct Answer: The joint influence of heredity and experience

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Option A: The facial expressions that accompany specific emotions are fairly similar across cultures

Option B: The physiological reactions that accompany emotions tend to be similar across cultures

Option C: People of different cultures tend to categorize emotions somewhat differently

Option D: Display rules do not vary from one culture to another

Correct Answer: Display rules do not vary from one culture to another

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Option A: Disgust

Option B: Pain

Option C: Shame

Option D: Terror

Correct Answer: Terror

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Option A: Enjoying a televised football game.

Option B: Solving a crossword puzzle

Option C: Washing dishes.

Option D: Riding a bicycle.

Correct Answer: Solving a crossword puzzle

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Option A: Relative deprivation principle

Option B: Adaptation-level principle

Option C: James-Lange theory

Option D: Catharsis hypothesis

Correct Answer: James-Lange theory

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Option A: Fear

Option B: Anger

Option C: Disgust

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: A control

Option B: A critical

Option C: Deception

Option D: An irrevelant

Correct Answer: A control

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Option A: Somatic nervous system.

Option B: Limbic system.

Option C: Parasympathetic division.

Option D: Sympathetic division.

Correct Answer: Parasympathetic division.

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Option A: Deprivation and sex drive.

Option B: Stimulation and curiosity.

Option C: Arousal and performance.

Option D: Sex drive and satisfiers.

Correct Answer: Arousal and performance.

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Option A: Epinephrine

Option B: Glycogen.

Option C: Testosterone.

Option D: Insulin.

Correct Answer: Epinephrine

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Option A: Happiness

Option B: Boredom.

Option C: Surprise

Option D: Anger

Correct Answer: Anger

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Option A: Must choose between two or more alternatives

Option B: Is punished for some behavior.

Option C: Is blocked or prevented from reaching a goal.

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Must choose between two or more alternatives

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Option A: Pursed lips.

Option B: Smiling.

Option C: Sticking out your tongue.

Option D: Raising your eyebrows.

Correct Answer: Smiling.

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Option A: Attractiveness to others.

Option B: Perceived intelligence.

Option C: Perceived Iccus of control.

Option D: Desirability as a leader.

Correct Answer: Attractiveness to others.

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Option A: Attention

Option B: Behavioral

Option C: Social

Option D: Motivation

Correct Answer: Behavioral

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Option A: Peripheralist

Option B: Modern

Option C: Centralist

Option D: Contemporary

Correct Answer: Centralist

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Option A: While

Option B: After

Option C: Then

Option D: Before

Correct Answer: After

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Option A: Parasympathetic

Option B: Central

Option C: Peripheral

Option D: Sympathetic

Correct Answer: Sympathetic

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Option A: Have many children..

Option B: Have a satisfying marriage or close friendship

Option C: Be physically attractive.

Option D: Be over 50 years old.

Correct Answer: Have a satisfying marriage or close friendship

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Option A: It is impossible to reach either of the two goals.

Option B: The two goals are equally desirable

Option C: One goal is more desirable than the other.

Option D: Neither goal is particularly desirable.

Correct Answer: The two goals are equally desirable

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Option A: Phobia

Option B: Post traumatic stress

Option C: Panic disorder

Option D: Obsessive compulsive disorder

Correct Answer: Phobia

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Option A: Discipline

Option B: Pressure

Option C: Conflict

Option D: Stress

Correct Answer: Pressure

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Option A: Are unrelated to

Option B: Follow

Option C: Occur simultaneously with

Option D: Precede come before

Correct Answer: C. Occur simultaneously with
D. Precede come before

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Option A: The experience of emotion depends on autonomic arousal and on one’s cognitive interpretation of that arousal.

Option B: Different patterns of autonomic activation lead to the experience of different emotions.

Option C: Emotion occurs when the thalamus sends signals simulitaneously to the cortex and to the autonomic nervous system.

Option D: Emotions develop because of their adaptive value.

Correct Answer: Different patterns of autonomic activation lead to the experience of different emotions.

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Option A: Alarm

Option B: Resistance.

Option C: Exhaustion.

Option D: Adjustment.

Correct Answer: Alarm

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