Option A: steel
Option B: invar
Option C: linen
Option D: cloth and wires
Correct Answer: cloth and wires ✔
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Option A: only (1)
Option B: (1) and (2)
Option C: (2) and (3)
Option D: (1), (2) and (3)
Correct Answer: (2) and (3) ✔
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Option A: (1) and (2)
Option B: (3) and (4)
Option C: (2) and (4)
Option D: (1) and (3)
Correct Answer: (2) and (4) ✔
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Option A: (1), (2),(3)
Option B: (1), (3), (2)
Option C: (3), (1), (2)
Option D: (2), (3), (1)
Correct Answer: (1), (3), (2) ✔
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Option A: deflection angle
Option B: included angle
Option C: direct angle
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: deflection angle ✔
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Option A: levelling
Option B: measurement of horizontal distances in plane areas
Option C: measurement of horizontal distances in undulated areas
Option D: measurement of angles
Correct Answer: measurement of horizontal distances in undulated areas ✔
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Option A: compound curve
Option B: vertical curve
Option C: reverse curve
Option D: transition curve
Correct Answer: transition curve ✔
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Option A: 7.5 m
Option B: 25 m
Option C: 50
Option D: 75 m
Correct Answer: 75 m ✔
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Option A: 0.1
Option B: 0.4
Option C: 0.6
Option D: 1.33
Correct Answer: 0.4 ✔
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Option A: compound curve
Option B: transition curve
Option C: reverse curve
Option D: vertical curve
Correct Answer: vertical curve ✔
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Option A: 0 and 100
Option B: 100 and 0
Option C: 0 and 0
Option D: 100 and 100
Correct Answer: 0 and 100 ✔
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Option A: one
Option B: two
Option C: three
Option D: four
Correct Answer: three ✔
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Option A: measuring angle and distance from one transit station
Option B: measuring angles to the point from at least two stations
Option C: measuring angle at one station and distance from other
Option D: measuring distance from two points on traverse line
Correct Answer: measuring angles to the point from at least two stations ✔
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Option A: require slope correction
Option B: require tension correction
Option C: require slope and tension corrections
Option D: do not require slope and tension corrections
Correct Answer: require slope and tension corrections ✔
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Option A: linear and angular measurements of the traverse are of equal accuracy
Option B: angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements
Option C: linear measurements are more accurate than angular measurements
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements ✔
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Option A: NE quadrant
Option B: SE quadrant
Option C: NW quadrant
Option D: SW quadrant
Correct Answer: SE quadrant ✔
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Option A: gives more accurate problem
Option B: takes less time
Option C: requires more labour
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: requires more labour ✔
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Option A: spirit level
Option B: alidade
Option C: plumbing fork
Option D: trough compass
Correct Answer: plumbing fork ✔
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Option A: Contour interval on any map is kept constant
Option B: Direct method of contouring is cheap¬er than indirect method
Option C: Inter-visibility of points on a contour map cannot be ascertained
Option D: Slope of a hill cannot be determined with the help of contours
Correct Answer: Contour interval on any map is kept constant ✔
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Option A: radiation
Option B: intersection
Option C: traversing
Option D: resection
Correct Answer: intersection ✔
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Option A: +50 m, +86.6 m
Option B: +86.6 m, -50 m
Option C: +50m, -86.6 m
Option D: +70.7 m,-50 m
Correct Answer: +86.6 m, -50 m ✔
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Option A: an open traverse for graphical adjustment
Option B: a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error
Option C: determine the effect of local attraction
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error ✔
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Option A: radiation
Option B: intersection
Option C: resection
Option D: traversing
Correct Answer: resection ✔
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Option A: resection
Option B: orientation
Option C: traversing
Option D: resection and orientation
Correct Answer: resection ✔
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Option A: 750 mm x 900 mm
Option B: 600 mm x 750 mm
Option C: 450 mm x 600 mm
Option D: 300 mm x 450 mm
Correct Answer: 600 mm x 750 mm ✔
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Option A: radiation
Option B: traversing
Option C: resection
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: radiation ✔
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Option A: tacheomefry
Option B: trigonometrical levelling
Option C: plane table surveying
Option D: theodolite surveying
Correct Answer: plane table surveying ✔
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Option A: Tracing paper method
Option B: Bessels method
Option C: Lehman’s method
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: all of the above ✔
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Option A: forests
Option B: urban areas
Option C: hilly areas
Option D: plains
Correct Answer: hilly areas ✔
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Option A: hypsometry
Option B: barometric levelling
Option C: spirit levelling
Option D: trigonometrical levelling
Correct Answer: spirit levelling ✔
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Option A: steep slope
Option B: gentle slope
Option C: uniform slope
Option D: plane surface
Correct Answer: steep slope ✔
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Option A: depression
Option B: hillock
Option C: plain surface
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: hillock ✔
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Option A: a quick method
Option B: adopted for large surveys only
Option C: most accurate method
Option D: suitable for hilly terrains
Correct Answer: most accurate method ✔
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Option A: direct method
Option B: square method
Option C: cross-sections method
Option D: tacheometric method
Correct Answer: tacheometric method ✔
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Option A: ranging
Option B: centring
Option C: horizontal control
Option D: vertical control
Correct Answer: vertical control ✔
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Option A: A contour is not necessarily a closed curve
Option B: A contour represents a ridge line if the concave side of lower value con¬tour lies towards the higher value contour
Option C: Two contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in case of an overhanging cliff
Option D: All of the above statements are correct
Correct Answer: Two contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in case of an overhanging cliff ✔
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Option A: contour line
Option B: horizontal equivalent
Option C: contour interval
Option D: contour gradient
Correct Answer: contour gradient ✔
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Option A: equidistant from A and B
Option B: closer to the higher station
Option C: closer to the lower station
Option D: as far as possible from the line AB
Correct Answer: equidistant from A and B ✔
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Option A: radius of level tube
Option B: length of level tube
Option C: length of bubble of level tube
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: radius of level tube ✔
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Option A: the instrument is to be shifted frequently
Option B: fly levelling is being done over long distance
Option C: many readings are to be taken from a single setting of the instrument
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: many readings are to be taken from a single setting of the instrument ✔
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Option A: inversely proportional to the scale of the map
Option B: directly proportional to the flatness of ground
Option C: larger for accurate works
Option D: larger if the time available is more
Correct Answer: inversely proportional to the scale of the map ✔
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Option A: 2 m
Option B: 5m
Option C: 10 m
Option D: 20 m
Correct Answer: 2 m ✔
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Option A: 94.80 m
Option B: 99.71 m
Option C: 100.29 m
Option D: 105.20 m
Correct Answer: 105.20 m ✔
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Option A: decreases
Option B: increases
Option C: remains unaffected
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: decreases ✔
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Option A: level line is a curved line while hori-zontal line is a straight line
Option B: level line is normal to plumb line while horizontal line may not be normal to plumb line at the tangent point to level line
Option C: horizontal line is normal to plumb line while level line may not be normal to the plumb line
Option D: both are same
Correct Answer: level line is a curved line while hori-zontal line is a straight line ✔
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Option A: is less.accurate than height of instrument method
Option B: is not suitable for levelling with tilting levels
Option C: provides a check on the reduction of intermediate point levels
Option D: quicker and less tedious for large number of intermediate sights
Correct Answer: provides a check on the reduction of intermediate point levels ✔
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Option A: error due to curvature only
Option B: error due to refraction only
Option C: error due to both curvature and re-fraction
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: error due to both curvature and re-fraction ✔
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Option A: true R.L
Option B: more than true R.L
Option C: less than true R.L
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: true R.L ✔
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Option A: increasing the diameter of the tube
Option B: decreasing the length of bubble
Option C: increasing the viscosity of liquid
Option D: decreasing the radius of curvature of tube
Correct Answer: increasing the diameter of the tube ✔
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Option A: completely eliminates curvature correction
Option B: partially eliminates curvature correction
Option C: adds to the curvature correction
Option D: has no effect on curvature correction
Correct Answer: partially eliminates curvature correction ✔
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Option A: 98.70
Option B: 100.00
Option C: 102.30
Option D: 103.30
Correct Answer: 100.00 ✔
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Option A: 99.345 m
Option B: 100.345 m
Option C: 100.655m
Option D: 101.870m
Correct Answer: 99.345 m ✔
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Option A: foresight only
Option B: backsight only
Option C: foresight and backsight
Option D: foresight and intermediate sight
Correct Answer: foresight and backsight ✔
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Option A: error due to imperfect graduations
Option B: error due to eccentricity of verniers
Option C: error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels
Option D: error due to line of collimation not being perpendicular to horizontal axis
Correct Answer: error due to line of collimation not being perpendicular to horizontal axis ✔
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Option A: only (1)
Option B: both (1) and (4)
Option C: only (3)
Option D: both (2) and (3)
Correct Answer: both (1) and (4) ✔
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Option A: tightening the capstan-headed nuts of level tube
Option B: measurement of horizontal angles only
Option C: measurement of vertical angles only
Option D: measurement of both horizontal and vertical angles
Correct Answer: measurement of both horizontal and vertical angles ✔
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Option A: error due to horizontal axis not being perpendicular to the vertical axis
Option B: index error i.e. error due to imperfect adjustment of the vertical circle vernier
Option C: error due to non-parallelism of the axis of telescope level and line of collimation
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: none of the above ✔
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Option A: equal to true error
Option B: half the true error
Option C: two times the true error
Option D: four times the true error
Correct Answer: four times the true error ✔
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Option A: increase
Option B: decrease
Option C: not change
Option D: either ‘a’ or ‘b’
Correct Answer: increase ✔
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Option A: horizontal line
Option B: line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of earth
Option C: line passing through the center of cross hairs and the center of eye piece
Option D: line passing through the objective lens and the eye-piece of a dumpy or tilting level
Correct Answer: line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of earth ✔
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Option A: backsight
Option B: intermediate sight
Option C: foresight
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: all of the above ✔
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Option A: concave
Option B: convex
Option C: plano-convex
Option D: plano-concave
Correct Answer: concave ✔
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Option A: reading both verniers and taking the mean of the two
Option B: taking both face observations and taking the mean of the two
Option C: double sighting
Option D: taking mean of several readings distributed over different portions of the graduated circle
Correct Answer: reading both verniers and taking the mean of the two ✔
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Option A: leveling
Option B: prolonging a straight line
Option C: measurement of horizontal angles
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: leveling ✔
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Option A: midway between eye piece and objec¬tive lens
Option B: much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens
Option C: much closer to the objective lens than to the eye piece
Option D: anywhere between eye-piece and objective lens
Correct Answer: much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens ✔
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Option A: error due to eccentricity of verniers
Option B: error due to displacement of station signals
Option C: error due to wrong adjustment of line of collimation and trunnion axis
Option D: error due to inaccurate graduation
Correct Answer: error due to displacement of station signals ✔
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Option A: adjustment of plate levels
Option B: adjustment of line of sight
Option C: adjustment of horizontal axis
Option D: adjustment of altitude bubble and vertical index frame
Correct Answer: adjustment of horizontal axis ✔
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Option A: on its outer spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and graduated scale of lower plate
Option B: on its outer spindle without a relative motion between the vernier and gra-duated scale of lower plate
Option C: on its inner spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate
Option D: on its inner spindle without a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate
Correct Answer: on its inner spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate ✔
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Option A: the length of telescope
Option B: the diameter of vertical circle
Option C: the diameter of lower plate
Option D: the diameter of upper plate
Correct Answer: the diameter of lower plate ✔
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Option A: vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down
Option B: vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is up
Option C: vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is down
Option D: vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is up
Correct Answer: vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down ✔
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Option A: to support the main part of the instrument
Option B: to attach the theodolite to the tripod
Option C: to provide a means for leveling the theodolite
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: none of the above ✔
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Option A: transiting
Option B: reversing
Option C: plunging
Option D: swinging
Correct Answer: swinging ✔
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Option A: (1) and (3)
Option B: (1) and (4)
Option C: (2) and (3)
Option D: (2) and (4)
Correct Answer: 1. ✔
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Option A: 77° N
Option B: 23° S
Option C: 13° E
Option D: 13° W
Correct Answer: 13° E ✔
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Option A: cross staff
Option B: level
Option C: chain
Option D: prismatic compass
Correct Answer: prismatic compass ✔
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Option A: eastern side of the true meridian
Option B: western side of the true meridian
Option C: southern side of the true meridian
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: western side of the true meridian ✔
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Option A: give whole circle bearing (WCB. of a line and quadrantal bearing (QB. of a line respectively
Option B: both give QB of a line and WCB of a line
Option C: both give QB of a line
Option D: both give WCB of a line
Correct Answer: A. give whole circle bearing (WCB. of a line and quadrantal bearing (QB. of a line respectively ✔
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Option A: incorrect levelling of the magnetic needle
Option B: loss of magnetism of the needle
Option C: friction of the needle at the pivot
Option D: presence of magnetic substances near the instrument
Correct Answer: presence of magnetic substances near the instrument ✔
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The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called__________?
Option A: azimuth
Option B: declination
Option C: local attraction
Option D: magnetic bearing
Correct Answer: declination ✔
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In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293° 30′ can be expressed as__________?
Option A: W23°30’N
Option B: N66°30’W
Option C: S113°30’N
Option D: N23°30’W
Correct Answer: N66°30’W ✔
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Option A: the magnetic needle moves with the box
Option B: the line of the sight does not move with the box
Option C: the magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box
Option D: the graduated circle is fixed to the box and the magnetic needle always remains in the N-S direction
Correct Answer: the magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box ✔
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Option A: is lighter than chain
Option B: is easier to handle
Option C: is practically inextensible and is not liable to kinks when in use
Option D: can be easily repaired in the field
Correct Answer: is practically inextensible and is not liable to kinks when in use ✔
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Option A: The true meridians at different places are parallel to each other
Option B: The true meridian at any place is not variable
Option C: The true meridians converge to a point in northern and southern hemispheres
Option D: The maps prepared by national survey departments of any country are based on true meridians
Correct Answer: The true meridians at different places are parallel to each other ✔
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Option A: ±2 mm
Option B: ±3 mm
Option C: ±5 mm
Option D: ±8 mm
Correct Answer: ±5 mm ✔
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Option A: centre of one handle to centre of other handle
Option B: outside of one handle to outside of other handle
Option C: outside of one handle to inside of other handle
Option D: inside of one handle to inside of other handle
Correct Answer: outside of one handle to outside of other handle ✔
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Option A: 0° 30′
Option B: 89° 30′
Option C: 90° 30′
Option D: 269° 30′
Correct Answer: 0° 30′ ✔
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Option A: the forebearing of AB and back bearing of AB differ by 180°
Option B: the forebearing of AB and back bearing of BA differ by 180°
Option C: both (A. and (B. are correct.
Option D: none is correct
Correct Answer: the forebearing of AB and back bearing of AB differ by 180° ✔
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Option A: line ranger
Option B: steel tape
Option C: optical square
Option D: cross staff
Correct Answer: line ranger ✔
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Option A: measuring approximate horizontal angles
Option B: setting out right angles
Option C: measuring bearings of the lines
Option D: none of the above
Correct Answer: setting out right angles ✔
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Option A: straightening the links
Option B: removing one or more small circular rings
Option C: closing the joints of the rings if opened out
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: straightening the links ✔
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Option A: is used at the time of standardising the tape
Option B: neutralizes the effect due to pull and sag
Option C: makes the correction due to sag equal to zero
Option D: makes the correction due to pull equal to zero
Correct Answer: neutralizes the effect due to pull and sag ✔
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The permissible error in chaining for measurement with chain on rough or hilly ground is__________?
Option A: 1 in 100
Option B: 1 in 250
Option C: 1 in 500
Option D: 1 in 1000
Correct Answer: 1 in 250 ✔
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Option A: 45° only
Option B: 90° only
Option C: either 45° or 90°
Option D: any angle
Correct Answer: either 45° or 90° ✔
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Option A: 30°
Option B: 45°
Option C: 60°
Option D: 90°
Correct Answer: 45° ✔
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Option A: 4 chains
Option B: 6 chains
Option C: 120 m
Option D: 180m
Correct Answer: 6 chains ✔
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Option A: 20°
Option B: 30°
Option C: 45°
Option D: 60°
Correct Answer: 30° ✔
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Option A: degree of accuracy required
Option B: method of setting out the perpendiculars and nature of ground
Option C: scale of plotting
Option D: all of the above
Correct Answer: all of the above ✔
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Option A: method of perpendicular offsets
Option B: method of oblique offsets
Option C: method of ties
Option D: all involve equal measurement on the ground
Correct Answer: method of perpendicular offsets ✔
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Option A: always additive
Option B: always subtractive
Option C: always zero
Option D: sometimes additive and sometimes subtractive
Correct Answer: always subtractive ✔
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