
Introduction To Human Resource Management MCQs

Option A: redesigning jobs of workers

Option B: assigning additional activities to workers

Option C: moving workers from one job to the other

Option D: none of above

Correct Answer: moving workers from one job to the other

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Option A: Line functions

Option B: Staff functions

Option C: Coordinative functions

Option D: Both (a) and (c)

Correct Answer: Staff functions

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Option A: Corporate HR group

Option B: Center of expertise

Option C: Transactional HR group

Option D: Embedded HR unit

Correct Answer: Transactional HR group

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Option A: Staff function

Option B: Coordinative functions

Option C: Line function

Option D: Both A and B

Correct Answer: Line function

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Option A: Developing employees

Option B: Evaluating performance

Option C: Establishing departments

Option D: Establishing goals

Correct Answer: Establishing goals

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Option A: Strategic planning

Option B: Production department

Option C: Marketing and finance

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: all of above

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Option A: Evidence based HRM

Option B: High performance work system

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: none of above

Correct Answer: Evidence based HRM

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Option A: Acquiring Employees

Option B: Training Employees

Option C: Appraising and Compensating Employees

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: all of above

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Option A: Assisting line manager

Option B: Implementing the policies

Option C: Directing the tasks of people

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: Assisting line manager

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Option A: person in charge

Option B: Name of person in charge

Option C: type of department

Option D: nature of relationship

Correct Answer: nature of relationship

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Option A: staff managers

Option B: line managers

Option C: CEO

Option D: none of above

Correct Answer: staff managers

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Option A: Functional authority

Option B: Line function

Option C: Staff functions

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: Functional authority

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Option A: Coordinative function

Option B: Staff function

Option C: Line function

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: Staff function

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Option A: Advise other employees

Option B: Evaluating performance

Option C: Issuing orders to others

Option D: Appraising performance

Correct Answer: Advise other employees

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Option A: Line managers

Option B: Staff managers

Option C: HR managers

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: Staff managers

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Option A: Staffing

Option B: Controlling

Option C: Leading

Option D: Organizing

Correct Answer: Staffing

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Option A: Line manager

Option B: HR manager

Option C: Staff manager

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: Line manager

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Option A: Transactional HR group

Option B: Embedded HR group

Option C: Corporate HR group

Option D: Centers of expertise

Correct Answer: Embedded HR group

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Option A: Line functions

Option B: Coordinative functions

Option C: Staff functions

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: Coordinative functions

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Option A: organizing

Option B: controlling

Option C: Staffing

Option D: Leading

Correct Answer: Staffing

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Option A: prepare job description

Option B: integrate development activities

Option C: develop compensation plans

Option D: advise management

Correct Answer: prepare job description

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Option A: superior employee performance

Option B: low labor costs

Option C: safer workplaces

Option D: less employee turnover rate

Correct Answer: superior employee performance

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Option A: line authority

Option B: hiring authority

Option C: staff authority

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: line authority

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Option A: financial manager

Option B: staff manager

Option C: line manager

Option D: both A and B

Correct Answer: line manager

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Option A: education of firm’s workers

Option B: training of firm’s workers

Option C: skills and expertise of firm’s workers

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: all of above

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Option A: staff managers

Option B: line managers

Option C: finance manager

Option D: both A and B

Correct Answer: line managers

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Option A: leading

Option B: organizing

Option C: controlling

Option D: staffing

Correct Answer: controlling

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Option A: line manager

Option B: staff manager

Option C: active manager

Option D: both A and B

Correct Answer: staff manager

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Option A: interviewing

Option B: disciplining

Option C: counseling

Option D: compensating

Correct Answer: compensating

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Option A: line manager

Option B: First line supervisor

Option C: staff manager

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: staff manager

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Option A: updates regarding appraisal

Option B: production department

Option C: organizational change

Option D: long term strategic plan

Correct Answer: organizational change

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Option A: transactional HR group

Option B: corporate HR group

Option C: embedded HR group

Option D: center of expertise

Correct Answer: corporate HR group

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Option A: line authority

Option B: staff authority

Option C: hiring authority

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: staff authority

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