
Marketing MCQs

Option A: open ended question

Option B: close ended question

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: none of above

Correct Answer: close ended question

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Option A: Overall company strategies

Option B: Overall company objectives

Option C: Overall department objectives

Option D: Overall marketing objectives

Correct Answer: All of the above 

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Option A: Cross-functional team orientation

Option B: Collaboration model

Option C: Customer orientation

Option D: Management-driven organization

Correct Answer: Customer orientation

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Option A: Total market orientation

Option B: External focus

Option C: Customer focus

Option D: Competitive, customer focus

Correct Answer: Total market orientation

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Option A: Organized resistance, slow learning, and fast forgetting

Option B: Management, customer reaction, competitive response

Option C: Decreased profits, increased R&D, additional distribution

Option D: Forecasted demand, increased sales expense, increased inventory costs

Correct Answer: Organized resistance, slow learning, and fast forgetting

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Option A: Reactive market orientation

Option B: Proactive marketing orientation

Option C: Total market orientation

Option D: Impulsive market orientation

Correct Answer: Reactive market orientation

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Option A: Production Concept

Option B: Selling Concept

Option C: Marketing Concept

Option D: Buying Concept

Correct Answer: Selling Concept

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Option A: Product

Option B: Marketing

Option C: Production

Option D: Selling

Correct Answer: Product

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Option A: Marketing concept

Option B: Selling concept

Option C: Production concept

Option D: Product concept

Correct Answer: Selling concept

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Option A: Better prices

Option B: Well-established brand names

Option C: One-on-one communications

Option D: direct selling capability

Correct Answer: Well-established brand names

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Option A: Customer value

Option B: Customer delight

Option C: total service solution

Option D: intangible benefit(s)

Correct Answer: Customer value

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Option A: Changing technology

Option B: Globalization

Option C: Deregulation

Option D: Heightened competition

Correct Answer: Heightened competition

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Option A: The right product

Option B: The right service

Option C: The right store

Option D: Value

Correct Answer: Value

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Option A: open-market

Option B: deregulated

Option C: regulated

Option D: scientifically segmented

Correct Answer: deregulated

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Option A: Age of Globalization

Option B: Industrial Age

Option C: Information Age

Option D: Production Age

Correct Answer: Information Age

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Option A: Vertical Integration

Option B: Horizontal Integration

Option C: beta Market

Option D: Meta Market

Correct Answer: Meta Market

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Option A: Which countries to enter

Option B: How to adapt their product and service features to each country

Option C: How to price their products in different countries

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Brand image

Option B: Distribution

Option C: Promotion

Option D: Price

Correct Answer: Price

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Option A: Business markets

Option B: Global markets

Option C: Consumer markets

Option D: Nonprofit and governmental markets

Correct Answer: Consumer markets

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Option A: People

Option B: Buying power

Option C: Demographic segment

Option D: Market

Correct Answer: Market

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Option A: latent demand

Option B: irregular demand

Option C: overfull demand

Option D: excessive

Correct Answer: overfull demand

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Option A: Future Product

Option B: Expected Product

Option C: Latent Product

Option D: Existing Product

Correct Answer: Existing Product

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Option A: Customer

Option B: Fund raiser, contributor

Option C: Voter

Option D: Prospect

Correct Answer: Prospect

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Option A: we sell quality

Option B: we challenge competitors

Option C: we implement ads

Option D: we sell hope

Correct Answer: we sell hope

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Option A: Product

Option B: Show

Option C: Reality

Option D: Service

Correct Answer: Product

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Option A: Durable

Option B: Impulse

Option C: Physical

Option D: Service e. Event

Correct Answer: Physical

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Option A: at least two parties

Option B: each party is capable of communication and delivery

Option C: each party is free to accept or reject the exchange offer

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Managing the marketing process

Option B: Monitoring the profitability of the companies products and services

Option C: Developing marketing strategies to move the company forward

Option D: The art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value,

Correct Answer: The art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value,

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Option A: Meeting needs profitably

Option B: Identifying and meeting human and social needs

Option C: The 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)

Option D: an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering, value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders.

Correct Answer: an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering, value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders.

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Option A: Execution

Option B: Strategies

Option C: Tactics

Option D: Research

Correct Answer: Execution

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Option A: Selling side

Option B: Formulated side

Option C: Management side

Option D: Forecasting side

Correct Answer: Formulated side

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