
Sustainable Marketing Social Responsibility And Ethics MCQs

Option A: business markets

Option B: international markets

Option C: consumer markets

Option D: government markets

Correct Answer: business markets

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Option A: Macro environment

Option B: Microenvironment

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Macro environment

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Option A: outdoorsy and tough

Option B: daring and imaginative

Option C: cheerful and wholesome

Option D: charming and upper class

Correct Answer: daring and imaginative

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Option A: Microenvironment

Option B: Macro environment

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Option A: Financial intermediaries

Option B: Marketing services agencies

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Option A: the cultural environment

Option B: the demographic environment

Option C: the economic environment

Option D: both a and b

Correct Answer: the economic environment

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Option A: awareness

Option B: interest

Option C: evaluation and trial

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: all of above

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Option A: Retailers

Option B: Wholesalers

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Option A: the cultural environment

Option B: the demographic environment

Option C: the economic environment

Option D: the political environment

Correct Answer: the cultural environment

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Option A: Suppliers as partners

Option B: Marketing intermediaries as partners

Option C: Various publics as partners

Option D: Both a and b

Correct Answer: Suppliers as partners

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Option A: workers and managers

Option B: Stockholders

Option C: Community organizations

Option D: Company’s lawyers

Correct Answer: workers and managers

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Option A: subsistence economies

Option B: industrial economies

Option C: developing economies

Option D: none of above

Correct Answer: subsistence economies

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Option A: $11.43

Option B: $21.43

Option C: $25.43

Option D: $15.43

Correct Answer: $21.43

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Option A: Macro environment

Option B: Microenvironment

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Microenvironment

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Option A: business markets

Option B: international markets

Option C: consumer markets

Option D: government markets

Correct Answer: consumer markets

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Option A: awareness stage

Option B: interest stage

Option C: evaluation and trial stage

Option D: adoption

Correct Answer: evaluation and trial stage

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Option A: The company

Option B: The suppliers

Option C: The marketing intermediaries

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: business markets

Option B: reseller markets

Option C: government markets

Option D: international markets

Correct Answer: international markets

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Option A: renewable resources

Option B: non-renewable resource

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: none of above

Correct Answer: non-renewable resource

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Option A: need recognition

Option B: information search

Option C: evaluation of alternatives

Option D: both b and c

Correct Answer: need recognition

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